Agave plants are really popular because of how they’re used for various items. If you’re growing agave plants right now, then you might already know that they’re used to help make tequila.
Some people also like to make a special sweet agave syrup that goes well with many dishes. They’re also just neat-looking plants that can add a bit of unique flair to your garden area.
These plants generally thrive in dry areas and they love hot conditions. If you’re noticing that your agave plant has problems with its bottom leaves, then you might be concerned about what is wrong with it.
What’s going on when it appears that the bottom leaves on your agave plant are dying? Read on to get more information about what might be happening as well as what you can do to try to turn things around.
1 – Too Much Sunlight
Agave plants definitely do need sunlight to grow and thrive, but they can get too much of it. Too much sunlight has the potential to cause the leaves to start drooping.
If you are noticing that the leaves are turning yellow, then that’s a sign that the agave plant has been exposed to too much sunlight. You might want to move the agave plant to an area that has a bit of shade.
An ideal spot for agave plants would be one that is partially shaded during parts of the day while still allowing for full sun during other hours of the day. You could simply keep agave plants in a pot and move them to different spots every single day as well, but that might not be practical for everyone.
Some good ideas for spots for your agave plants will be to put them near trees or other tall plants. It’ll give some shade, but the plant will still be able to get a lot of sun.
2 – Very Cold Temperatures
It probably won’t come as a surprise to hear that agave plants don’t like cold weather. When the temperatures dip too low, it’s going to have a negative impact on these plants.
Freezing temperatures could cause agave plants to die, and it’ll start with the leaves. You might see the leaves start to turn black and they will eventually fall off after becoming very dry.
If freezing temperatures only last for a few hours, then an agave plant will probably bounce back okay. When the temperature stays that cold for too long, the plant is going to encounter some serious problems.
You can keep agave plants closer to areas that can keep them warm to try to protect them. For example, having the agave plants on your patio and near the warm house might help them to survive cold nights better than being out in the open.
3 – Overly Wet Weather
You also know that agave plants thrive in dry climates, and this means that moisture issues can cause problems. When things get too moist, it’s possible that spore lesions will form on the leaves.
These spore lesions could be either red or orange, and you’re not going to want to ignore this issue. The only reliable way to keep this from harming the plant too bad is to remove any spotted leaves that you find.
Once the leaves have been removed, you’re going to need to avoid watering the plant for now. It’s even wise to take steps to protect the agave plant from the rain with some type of plastic covering.
If moisture continues to be an issue, then the lesions could keep showing up and things will get worse. Be mindful not to let your sprinklers hit your agave plants with water while keeping an eye on the weather forecast.
Things can turn around and an agave plant will be able to bounce back if you take the right steps to protect it. If you’re observant and look at your agave plant a bit each day, then you should catch any spore lesions fairly early on.
4 – Fungal Issues
Fungal issues might cause an agave plant to have its leaves rot. If you think that the leaves are rotting on the plant, then a fungal disease could be to blame.
Look around to see if you notice any dark spots that are also soft to the touch. These spots would be located toward the upper parts of your agave plant.
Fungicides can help you to alleviate this problem and keep things from spreading. You’re going to want to try to catch it early since advanced fungal infection issues could easily kill the plant.
As for how this happens to agave plants, it’s actually possible for fungus spores to be carried in the wind. Sometimes it can be hard to avoid, but you will want to check the other plants in your garden to see if they’re contributing to fungal problems.
Fungi will typically thrive in moist and humid areas, and that means that they like the opposite of what agave plants need to thrive. Fungal infections can be a problem still, but you shouldn’t have a hard time keeping them at bay.
5 – Insect Issues
Sadly, agave plants can come under attack by insects as well. If you see that your agave plant’s leaves are wilted or a bit yellow, then that could be a sign that weevils are messing with the plant.
Female weevils will lay eggs inside the plant, and this can cause wilting issues over time. It could lead to the collapse of the plant, and you’re going to want to solve any insect issues before things get bad.
Applying insecticide will be a good defense against insects such as weevils. You should apply insecticide in the spring to get the best results.
Remember to spray both the upper and lower sections of the plant to get complete coverage. Try to get in the habit of using insecticide in the spring as a precautionary measure.
Final Thoughts
Agave plants are pretty hardy and they do well in dry conditions. Keeping them safe and protecting the leaves will be about keeping things from becoming too moist in many situations.
You do have to watch out for potential issues such as insects, fungal infections, and even cold temperatures. Too much harsh sunlight can also cause the leaves to get scorched or die.
Be careful and take care of your plant to the best of your ability. When you know what the agave plant needs to stay healthy, it should be easier to keep it from dying or looking unhealthy.
Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.