The plant is native to the Americas, and is commonly distributed throughout Mexico and the northern parts of Argentina. It is also found in many parts of the Caribbean.
Anthurium is a great addition to any home garden, and if you care for it properly, you are going to be treated to a wonderful blossom. A healthy Anthurium is generally glossy, and has leaves that are shaped like a heart.
However, if you do not care for the plant properly, the leaves are likely to turn brown with the passage of time, and may take on a different texture.
Obviously, this is an alarming sign for novice anthurium plant owners who don’t know much about how to handle the problem. It’s incredibly heart-wrenching to see the lush and beautifully shaped leaves becoming dull and ultimately wilting and dying.
The first thing that you might think of is to figure out what you might be doing wrong. Then, you might wonder whether your plant is completely dead or if it can be revived.
But, there’s no need to panic. There are several reasons for why this might happen. In fact, in most cases, it is a part of the life cycle of the anthurium plant. Known to many as the “flamingo flower,” the anthurium is generally found in tropical environments.
If given adequate care, the anthurium flower is going to bloom throughout the year. Every blossom usually lasts between two and three months.
If you are able to mimic the ideal conditions of the rainforest in which the plant is located, you can easily get it to produce up to six blooms on an annual basis.
But, from time to time, it might start to wilt. There are several reasons why this might happen. Let’s talk about them.
1 – Overfertilizing the Plant
One of the main reasons why the anthurium flowers might begin to turn brown is if you apply too much fertilizer. The use of excessive fertilizer could cause salt burns to the plant.
Some people make the mistake of applying too much fertilizer, so if you notice the flowers turning brown, or the leaves turning yellow, it’s a clear sign that you are adding too much fertilizer in the mix.
You might want to cut back to quarter strength to see how the plant responds. In most cases, you will notice an improvement with the passage of time. You might want to visit a local gardening center and find out which organic fertilizer is best for your anthurium.
2 – Over or Under Watering
Another reason why your anthurium flowers might turn brown is if you over or under water them. Are you even checking the soil before you water the plants?
A common mistake that many people make is that they don’t check the soil before they add more water to the plant.
You might want to check with your finger whether the top layer of the soil (one inch) has properly dried before you add more water. Also, you need to make sure that the excessive water is being drained from the plant.
If the anthurium flowers are potted, you need to make sure that there are adequate sized drainage holes at the bottom. If the drainage holes are not present, you are going to have a serious build-up of minerals and salt in the mix, and that could damage the soil drastically.
3 – Pests
Arguably the most common reason why the anthurium flowers might turn brown is due to the presence of pests. Common pests such as mealy bugs or white flies might infest your anthuriums, and they can cause extensive damage to your plants.
It’s recommended that you take action as quickly as possible and make sure that you get rid of the pests as soon as you can.
Instead of using heavy pesticides and other chemicals, you should start with neem oil. Neem oil is incredibly effective against various kinds of pests and can be used for treating fungi in the plant as well.
Neem oil is readily available from any local gardening center, and you can easily see the results within a few days.
Taking appropriate care of your anthuriums is important, especially if you want those coveted blooms around the year.
It’s recommended that you talk to a gardener if your plants are dying, as there might be a problem with the soil as well. A gardener might also be able to give you tips on how to create the best soil for your anthurium flowers.
As long as you pay attention to the little things and care for the plant properly, you won’t have much to worry about at all!

Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.