Begonias are perennial flowering plants that look incredibly beautiful and have been used as houseplants for many years. If you are looking to add begonias to your garden, there are a few things that you should keep in mind.
The begonia is known for its variegated foliage and its unique appearance, and it will look incredibly gorgeous in any setting. However, if you live in an area where the plant will be exposed to deer, you need to be a bit careful.
The last thing that you want is for your beautifully curated garden to be exposed to deer. It is a common fact that deer have incredibly voracious appetites, and as herbivores, they are going to eat everything in sight. And begonias, being colorful plants, are particularly attractive to deer, who will eat right through the plants.
Deer love different kinds of plants, and depending upon the layout of your garden, they might find it quite easy to access it and lay waste to all your lovely plants.
If you are concerned that the deer are going to eat through your garden, including your begonias, you should know that begonias is actually quite unappetizing to deer, and they will actively avoid the plants.
While they may be popular with gardeners, the begonia isn’t really a favorite for deer. That’s primarily because of the smell that the begonia exudes.
Deer usually avoid plants that have aromatic smells, and the begonia has a pretty strong one. But, you should know that not all begonias are resistant
There are several varieties of begonias that are resistant to deer. Here are a few.
Wax Begonias

The wax begonia is a very popular choice for gardeners because it flowers throughout the year. The plant is capable of tolerating full sun throughout the course of the year and doesn’t sustain excessive damage over time.
More importantly, the plant is completely resistant to deer, and it is also resistant to drought and excessive heat. Wax begonias prefer moist soil that is easy to care for.
Tuberous Begonias

Another excellent option that you should consider is the tuberous begonia. Tuberous begonias like frequent amounts of water and they thrive in partial shade. They are also resistant to heat and humidity.
The flowers are incredibly beautiful and they trail the plant, so tuberous begonias are actually quite popular and used in hanging baskets.
However, you should know that the plant does best in temperatures between 45 and 55 degrees Fahrenheit.
Rex Begonias

Then, you have rex begonias. These plants are primarily desired for their attractive foliage. Most people don’t really care much about the flowers.
However, you should know that the plant is incapable of tolerating wet soil, so you need to be a bit careful about watering the plant. If you add excess amounts of water to the plant, it will not be able to survive.
You should never water these plants unless the soil is completely dry. When planting rex begonias in a container, you need to make sure that the container is not very deep.
These plants do best in shallow containers, and you will notice that the plant remains healthy as long as you care for it.
These are the most popular types of begonias that you can add to your garden and not worry about deer. However, there are several other plants that you can add to your garden which are equally resistant to deer.
Other plants that are incredibly resistant to deer include the Persian shield, the wishbone flower, bleeding hearts, lavender, peonies, and even bearded irises.
But what if you want to protect your garden from deer? You should know that when the deer are hungry, they are going to eat whatever they can. However, there are a few ways to keep deer away from your garden.
Here are some simple techniques that you can use to keep deer at bay in your garden.
How to Protect Your Plants from Deer
1 – Plant Some Prickly Foliage around the Garden

In order to prevent deer from entering your garden, you should add some prickly or fuzzy plants around the edges, creating a boundary of sorts. This is one of the best things that you can do to keep deer away from your garden.
Another thing that you can do is add a few aromatic plants. You may need to experiment a bit to figure out the best plants for keeping deer at bay.
2 – Place Bar Soap Near the Plants
One of the simplest yet most effective methods that you can use to keep deer at bay is to place bar soap near your plants. Many gardeners actually swear by this method.
The concept is simple: the smell of the bar soap actually interferes with the deer’s sense of smell and turns them away.
However, if you are going to keep bar soap near your plants, you need to make sure to hang them on a stake, or hide them properly in the garden. Just make sure they don’t get buried under the ground.
Also, it’s important that you choose a bar soap that has a robust scent.
3 – Use a Deer Repellent Spray
One of the best options available is to make use of a deer repellent spray. There are a number of sprays available in the market that you can use to keep deer at bay, but you will need to make sure that you buy a decent brand that has received positive reviews in the past.
Thankfully, there’s no shortage of commercially available brands in the market, so you can order one from your local store.
4 – Install a Fence

Last but not the least, you might want to install a robust fence around your property for some physical protection. This might not be something that you want to do, but if the deer population around your area is quite high, it might be the only option you have.
Adding a robust wooden fence around your property is a wise idea, and it will keep deer away from your garden. It’s recommended that you take these steps to keep deer away from your begonias and ensure that your garden remains in prime condition.
Deer can cause extensive damage to your plants. You have to be careful that you don’t make your garden too attractive for these animals, because they won’t take long to eat all the plants with pretty foliage.
Then, they are going to turn their attention to the flower beds. Eventually, they are going to finish off with the grazing.
More importantly, you should know that deer often attract other deer. If one finds an easy target, it won’t take long before several are feasting on your garden.
You need to install cameras and motion sensors in your garden and activate them at night to make sure that you are able to detect deer at night.
Keeping deer away from your garden might seem like an uphill battle at first, but it’s definitely not impossible. Deer, like most other animals, are creatures of habit.
If they don’t find your garden all that attractive for several days, they will stop returning. But, it always pays to be wary.
If you see deer returning, you need to take action right away. Just make sure that you do not employ any inhumane methods like setting up harmful traps around the garden. It could really hurt the animal.

Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.