Calla lilies are tropical plants that many people love to look at. They have a striking look, and they’re definitely going to be good additions to your home from a visual standpoint.
However, these plants aren’t necessarily easy to care for when you don’t know what you’re doing. If you aren’t careful, then it’ll be very easy to kill a calla lily due to making a few mistakes.
If you’ve noticed that the leaves on your calla lily plant are curling, then you’re probably pretty concerned. This isn’t normal for calla lilies to do, and you’re definitely going to want to try to get to the bottom of it.
Read on to learn about what can cause calla lily leaves to curl. Once you’ve read through the information, you should have a better idea of what you need to change to get the plant back to looking how it’s supposed to.
1 – Watering Problems
The most likely thing that you should look into will be watering issues. Watering issues can cause calla lilies to go through many different problems, and you’re going to need to give them what they need if you want them to thrive.
It’s possible that you might not have been watering the calla lily thoroughly enough. If it wasn’t getting enough water, then that could be why the leaves started to curl on you.
Try to water it a bit better than you have been and see if that makes a difference. Calla lilies want the soil to be moist, but you shouldn’t water it to the point that the soil will become soggy.
Ensure that you’re allowing the soil to dry out a bit between watering sessions. Remember that watering too much is just as harmful or worse than not watering a plant enough.
2 – Using Bad Water
Using bad water could cause you some problems as well. Most people just water their plants using standard tap water, but this isn’t always going to be the best choice.
You see, tap water can contain chemicals such as chlorine, and it can also contain various types of minerals. This could be bad for your plants, and sometimes it can shock the plants or cause them to do strange things.
It’s possible that your calla lily just doesn’t like the water that you have been giving it. You might have better luck if you choose to use distilled water instead of tap water.
Some people will just get a good water filter for their tap so that they won’t have to go out and buy water all the time. You could let the tap water sit out for 24 hours before using it to get the chlorine to dissipate as well.
3 – Not Getting Enough Sunlight
There’s also the possibility that you aren’t giving your calla lily the amount of sunlight that it desires. If you’re not giving them enough sunlight, then the leaves could start to curl up or they might start looking unhealthy in other ways.
Calla lilies want to receive direct sunlight if possible. You can keep them in full sun for several hours a day, but it’s fine for them to get indirect sunlight for other parts of the day.
The thing that you want to avoid is not giving the calla lily plant enough sunlight. If it isn’t getting enough light, then that’s when you will encounter problems such as leaf curling.
These plants aren’t meant to be grown in low-light environments or mostly shaded areas. When they’re being grown outside, partial shade is okay, but full shade will be a big problem.
4 – Nutrient Deficiency
Another thing to consider is whether or not your calla lily plant is getting enough nutrients. It’s possible that the calla lily might be nutrient-deficient for some reason or another.
For example, you might have potted the plant using soil that isn’t particularly nutrient-rich. This lack of nutrients could be causing the calla lily’s leaves to curl up in response to stress.
It could be good to consider changing the soil to ensure that you’re using an adequate potting mix. Many calla lily enthusiasts like to use potting soil that consists of 60% coco peat, and 40% Finnish peat.
You could consider giving the calla lily a bit of fertilizer to see if it helps it out. Just don’t go overboard if you try to do this since too much fertilizer can lead to other issues.
5 – Temperature Problems
Since calla lilies are tropical plants by nature, they’re going to prefer to be in a warm environment. They won’t like it if things get too cold in your house, and this is something that you’ll need to keep an eye on.
During the day, you should ensure that the temperatures in your home range from 60 degrees Fahrenheit to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. At night, the temperatures can get as low as 55 degrees Fahrenheit without it being a real problem.
The issues will start when the temperatures dip lower than this. If it’s getting rather cold outside, then you’re going to want to keep your calla lily in a temperature-controlled environment so that it doesn’t start reacting poorly.
Even keeping a calla lily near a drafty door or window could cause you some problems. Try to check around your house to see if temperature fluctuations could be the cause of the leaf curling.
Do Your Best
Do your best to care for your calla lily plant so that it can thrive. These plants are really neat-looking, and lots of people fall in love with them.
You’re just going to need to be careful about certain problems if you want the calla lilies to thrive under your care. It’s very possible that a simple watering issue could be to blame, but it’s best to consider the other options as well.
Ensure that you’re keeping your calla lily in an environment with the right temperature. Make sure that you pot the calla lily using soil that will give it nutrients and proper drainage.
If you do all of these things, then you’re likely going to be able to see the calla lily look healthy. Hopefully, your curling leaf issue will resolve itself as you continue to care for the plant properly.
Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.