It was back in the 19th century when houseplants became part of home decor. People brought over plants of all shapes and sizes from across the globe to help brighten up dark, musky homes.
Fast forward to the present era, indoor plants have become a refuge for many garden-deprived city dwellers.
Both tropical and sub-tropical plants have been key players since the early houseplant scene. One famous example is the colorful and lively Peperomia plant. Yet, can Peperomia grow in bathrooms? The quick answer is: yes, they can.
In this article, we share five attributes that make Peperomia a great indoor plant for your home, especially in the bathroom.
Can Peperomia Grow in Bathrooms?
Yes, Peperomia plants can grow and thrive in your bathroom. These hardy plants are native to the pan-tropical region, like Central America and southern parts of Asia. So, they’re used to humid, low-light conditions.
They’re easy to take care of, requiring less frequent watering and pruning. However, they’re most appreciated for their ability to tolerate tight spaces, like a small bathroom.
5 Reasons to Grow Peperomia in a Bathroom
Peperomia is a popular houseplant that looks great in any setting, especially when placed in bathrooms.
Take a look.
1 – Available in a Wide Variety
There are over 1,500 species of Peperomia. They range from the small to the large-sized, as well as the more widespread varieties.
Furthermore, their structure and leaves can range from fleshy and succulent to thin and flimsy. In addition, they come in a wide array of colors, textures, and designs.
With this wide variety, one can easily find a Peperomia for every home. Even more, you can curate a whole indoor garden just from Peperomia.
If you’re short on bathroom space, you can hang trailing Peperomia types like Peperomia prostrata. Trailing plants can give a tropical jungle vibe to your bathroom, especially when you suspend more pots from the ceiling.
Alternatively, you can stack up a vertical garden against one of the bathroom walls. Use shelves to place multiple small pots if you love different varieties.
You can also disperse the plant pots across any flat surface in your bathroom, including the sides of your tub and window sills.
2 – Looks Amazing
Some Peperomia varieties look like captivating works of art. For instance, the Peperomia rosso has pretty bi-colored leaves, with green on the top and a deep shade of maroon on the undersides.
Moreover, the waffle texture adds to the beauty of the leaves. Given that it’s voluminous and bushy, you can use it as a standalone piece in your bathroom.
Similarly, the Peperomia caperata has rich, dark red-colored leaves and a bulky, bushy form. There’s also the pink version of the Peperomia caperata, commonly called “Pink Lady,” but it’s a relatively rare variety.
Both Peperomia caperata types need abundant sunlight and frequent watering. So, make sure you keep them within three feet from the window so they can get enough light and water them 2–3 times a week.
3 – Doesn’t Take Up a lot of Space
Peperomia is one of the easiest plants to overlook, both in the wild and indoors. In its natural habitat, it commonly grows in cracks, similar to weeds. You can also find it growing on top of tree logs and stumps.
As a result, Peperomia is used to not taking up a lot of space and has become accustomed to growing in tight areas. That’s why many varieties will happily thrive in a small pot placed on a narrow window sill.
In fact, Peperomia will grow for years in the same pot before its roots start to shoot out. In other words, you won’t need to repot your Peperomia frequently. Moreover, Peperomias are slow growers, so you won’t have to worry about regular pruning.
If you prefer more plant volume in your tight bathroom, you can opt for several small pots instead of one large one. Luckily, you can easily propagate Peperomia by taking leaf cuttings from your original plant and placing them in damp soil. They’ll take care of the rest.
4 – Thrives in Low-Light Conditions
Coming from a pan-tropical background, Peperomia thrives in the shades of dense leafy forests. If you’ve got a dim-lit bathroom, there’s no better candidate to handle these low-light conditions.
Generally speaking, Peperomia doesn’t require direct sunlight, so you don’t need to keep them next to the window all the time. In fact, too much light might dry up their thin leaves.
Yet, keep in mind that the need for light depends on the type of Peperomia you’re growing. For example, a succulent Peperomia with thick leaves is more adapted to hot, sunny conditions.
So, if you’re growing any of these varieties, such as Peperomia dahlstedtii and Peperomia Tetragona, keep them close to a window. Or, you can opt for indoor grow lights if you prefer.
On the other hand, Peperomia varieties with thin leaves need less light. These should be kept at a safe distance away from direct light.
5 – Requires Less Watering
Similar to light conditions, not all Peperomia types have the same watering needs. Still, most Peperomias require less watering compared to other plants.
You can expect to water Peperomia anywhere from twice per week to once every other week, depending on the type and how much light it’s getting.
It’s worth noting that if you’ve had failed attempts with house plants, choose a more resilient succulent type. They’re better adapted to retain water. Just be sure to use a well-draining soil mix as Peperomia can’t stand over watering.
A good way to determine whether your Peperomia needs more water or not is by looking at the lower leaves. If they seem to droop, then your Peperomia likely needs more watering.
Final Thoughts
So, can Peperomia grow in bathrooms? Yes!
These tropical plants grow well indoors, especially in humid areas. Their diversity, resilience, and tolerance for limited space make them a top choice. With these beauties, you can bring in a small part of nature to your bathroom.

Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.