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Do Jade Plants Bloom? (4 Tips to Make It Happen)

Do Jade Plants Bloom? (4 Tips to Make It Happen)

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Jade plants are popular houseplants because they’re pretty easy to care for. They’re also linked to optimism and prosperity, so they can improve the aesthetics and vibes in any room.

Yet, there are a few things you need to know about these tolerant plants before bringing one home.

So, do jade plants bloom? How often do they bloom?

In this article, you’ll find the answers to all your questions, so let’s dive in.

Do Jade Plants Bloom?

Jade plants can bloom, which is rare even in their native habitat.

In South Africa, where this plant originates, it blooms in winter, from June to August. It grows tiny star-shaped white and pink flowers on the oval fleshy leaves.

However, the jade plant rarely flowers when it’s grown as an indoor plant.

There are different types of jade plants. Some of them are more likely to bloom than others.

The Crassula ovata is the most common type of jade plant and is also the most common type to bloom.

When Do Jade Plants Bloom?

In your home, your jade plant might start growing clusters of star-shaped flowers around the shortest days of the year, in late winter. Some plants will also bloom in early spring.

The clusters appear at the ends of the stems and don’t live for long. Once they turn brown, you can cut off the flowering stem.

Cutting the old flowering stem will preserve the plant’s energy to produce more leaves.

Are Jade Plant Flowers Fragrant?

Jade plants’ flowers are mildly fragrant, but homeowners love them because they add an attractive display, especially in winter. Unfortunately, they’re short-lived, yet if you ever see them, they’ll improve your home’s vibes.

Since jade plants are linked to prosperity and happiness, seeing the star-shaped flowers will make your plant look more unique.

How Often Do Jade Plants Bloom?

Jade plants might bloom once a year. Yet, some jade plants can bloom more often, while others bloom less often.

For some plants, this can happen once every few years and might even be a one-time experience.

Indoor plants are generally less likely to bloom than outdoor jade plants. Moreover, the conditions should be optimal to encourage your jade plant to bloom.

What Conditions Encourage a Jade Plant to Bloom?

Jade plants aren’t the easiest to bloom inside the house, so if you want to see their white and pink flowers, you need to mimic the conditions of their native habitat. Here are some factors to consider.


Jade plants aren’t fussy and can tolerate various light conditions, including partial shade. This is actually one of the reasons why they’re popular houseplants.

Yet, if you want your jade plant to bloom, you must grow it in full sun. Full sun exposure promotes healthy growth and facilitates propagation because you’ll have a healthy plant.

Moreover, with enough light, this plant will fight off fungal diseases that become more serious with increased moisture.

You should place your jade plant near a south or west-facing window, where it can get at least ten hours of bright indirect sunlight.

A jade plant will probably get six to eight hours of sunlight in most indoor environments. This is why outdoor plants are more likely to bloom than indoor ones.

However, if the plant receives enough light in a humid environment, it might not bloom. This is because jade plants will thrive and bloom in arid climates because they don’t tolerate humidity.

The plant should be protected from the harsh afternoon sun, which might scorch the leaves. At the same time, without enough light, your jade plant might start losing its foliage.

You should use a grow light in winter to encourage blooming.


Jade plants are intolerant to wet soil, which leads to root rot and several fungal diseases. In this case, the plant won’t bloom because it will be unhealthy.

To keep the plant in the best shape and encourage blooming, you need to grow it in a succulent-specific potting mix, which has excellent drainage.

If finding a succulent-specific potting mix isn’t easy, you can use an all-purpose potting mix or soil after mixing it with perlite. Perlite will improve drainage and prevent excess water from causing root rot.

If you notice that the eaves are turning yellow, this might be a sign that you’re overwatering your plant.


Although jade plants are drought-tolerant, they should be watered regularly in spring and summer. This will encourage healthy growth and promote winter blooming.

Watering should be reduced in winter, although this is when the plant might bloom. This is because the plant reserves its energy in winter and won’t grow new foliage.

However, you should be careful not to underwater jade plants.

If you see the curling or wilting leaves on the plant, then you might not be providing it with enough water.


Jade plants thrive in high temperatures between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, as these hot temperatures mimic the weather conditions in the plant’s natural habitat.

So, you can grow it as an outdoor plant in warm climates.

Nevertheless, the jade plant can tolerate lower temperatures, up to 55 degrees Fahrenheit, but this low temperature will stunt growth.

So, if your home is too cold in winter, your plant might not bloom.

Jade plants won’t survive if winter temperatures fall below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. So, if you’re growing it outside, you might need to bring it inside to protect it.

Yet, a decrease in temperature is necessary as it helps the plant rest. It doesn’t go into a complete dormancy state, but the lower temperature puts less stress on your jade plant.


Succulents are not picky about their growing conditions, but an underfed jade plant won’t bloom.

So, if you want to encourage blooming, you should provide the plant with a slow-release fertilizer, especially during the growing season.

A balanced 20-20-20 fertilizer will work best because it won’t stress the plant. Younger plants don’t need to be fertilized often.

How Old Does a Jade Plant Have to Be to Bloom?

Young jade plants won’t bloom, even if you provide them with optimal growing conditions. So, your plant needs to be at least four years old or older to grow its beautiful flowers.

During the first years of the plant’s life, your jade plant will build its root system. It’s a slow grower, so it takes more time than most indoor plants.

How to Get Your Jade Plant to Bloom

A blooming jade plant is an interesting experience, but if your plant isn’t blooming, you can do a few things.

1 – Give It Enough Light

Change the location of the pot if the plant isn’t receiving enough light.

Mature plants can handle more light than younger plants, but make sure that you don’t burn the leaves by exposing them to too much light.

2 – Feed Your Plant

Giving your plant a diluted fertilizer during the growing season will encourage blooming.

A high-phosphorus plant food is better for your plant, as you should avoid increasing the nitrogen levels.

3 – Adjust Watering

Make sure that your jade plant is receiving enough water. Too little water can stunt the plant’s growth and prevent flowering, while too much water can lead to root rot.

4 – Force Dormancy

As long as the temperature is high and the plant is regularly watered, it won’t get into dormancy. This is why it might not start growing flowers.

The idea is to reset your plant by lowering sunlight levels, decreasing the amount of water it receives, and allowing the soil to dry out between waterings.

After this, you should water the plant regularly and provide it with more light to prompt blooming.

Final Thoughts

Jade plants can bloom, but only once per year. When they do, they grow clusters of star-shaped white or pink flowers that might be slightly fragrant.

Yet only a few types of jade plants bloom, and some of them will only bloom in optimal conditions.

In order to encourage blooming, the plant should grow in well-draining soil and receive enough light and water.

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