Jade plants are popular indoor succulents known for their low maintenance and adaptability. That said, because Jades are low-moisture plants, they can’t tolerate wet conditions, which begs the question: do Jade plants like humidity?
In general, Jade plants don’t like humidity. They prefer low humidity levels as high humidity can cause stress and symptoms such as leaf spots, discoloration, curling, and drooping.
In this post, we’ll explore why Jade plants don’t like humidity, what signs they show in such conditions, and how to maintain low humidity around them.
Do Jade Plants Need Humidity?
Jade plants don’t need humidity and prefer dry, arid environments. In nature, they grow in semi-desert conditions where water is scarce.
They can thrive in such conditions due to their thick stems and plump leaves that allow them to conserve water. They also prevent them from absorbing excess moisture.
In high humidity levels, these adaptations can cause Jade plants to suffocate with too much water.
As such, low humidity is ideal for these succulents. They thrive in humidity levels ranging from 30% to 50%, but they can also tolerate average indoor humidity.
Jade plants may also be able to tolerate high humidity but only for a brief period. Prolonged exposure can weaken them and expose them to other problems, including bacterial and fungal infections.
Reasons You Should Keep Jade Plants in Low Humidity
Jade plants are hardy and adaptable to a wide range of climatic conditions. They become vulnerable, however, in high humidity conditions.
To begin with, Jade plants absorb nutrients and water from dry soil. When the soil is wet, as is common in high-humidity environments, they have a more difficult time absorbing nutrients.
In addition, high humidity causes moisture to collect on the plant’s leaves. This increases the risk of bacterial infections and pest infestations.
Even worse, fungi thrive in humid environments and can lead to root rot, as well as fungal infections, in Jade plants. As a result, high humidity can be life-threatening to Jade plants.
Should Jade Plants Be Misted?
You shouldn’t mist your Jade plants. When you have plants, like Jades, that don’t like humidity, misting can cause some serious issues.
One of the main reasons you’d mist your plants is to boost humidity. However, when you mist a succulent, its leaves won’t absorb the moisture fast enough.
These water droplets sitting on the leaves can cause leaf discoloration. Not to mention that excess moisture creates an ideal environment for bacteria, fungi, and pests, putting your plants at risk of disease.
Even if it’s not humid inside, misting will keep your Jades constantly wet, which can create the same problems as high humidity.
That said, you can get away with misting your Jades if you need to clean their foliage. Even then, you should do it from time to time and make sure to wipe away any remaining moisture on the foliage.
Signs Jade Plants Need Lower Humidity Levels
High humidity levels prevent Jade plants from transpiring and evaporating excess water. Since their leaves already store water, excess moisture can cause significant stress in Jade plants, which manifests in their foliage.
When Jade plants are stressed due to high humidity, they may show the following signs:
- Yellow leaves
- Brown leaves
- Black spots
- Waterlogged and squishy leaves
- Leaf curling
- Leaf drooping
- Leaf drop
- Fungal growth
Once you notice any of these signs, it’s crucial to bring down humidity levels as soon as possible. Otherwise, the plant may weaken, contract diseases, and sustain irreversible damage.
How to Maintain Low Humidity Around Jade Plants
The average indoor humidity level in most homes is around 30–50%, which is ideal for Jade plants. That said, if humidity levels fluctuate where you live, you need to create an ideal environment for your Jades to counteract high humidity levels.
Aside from regularly checking a hygrometer, there are some steps you can take to protect your Jades from high humidity levels:
- Place your plant near a window where it can receive direct morning and late afternoon sun.
- Use grow lights during winter to provide your plant with its light requirements while keeping humidity levels low.
- Avoid overwatering your plants and letting them sit in sodden soil, especially in the winter.
- Plant your Jade in a pot with drainage holes and well-draining soil to prevent waterlogging.
- Place a dehumidifier near your plant to reduce humidity levels and improve air circulation.
Final Thoughts
Jade plants can survive most conditions except for humidity. When exposed to high humidity levels or excess moisture, these succulents are susceptible to stress, diseases, and infestations.
Nevertheless, Jade plants require minimal care to thrive, making them ideal for both novice and experienced plant parents. As long as you keep your Jades in a low-humidity environment and remove excess moisture as needed, they’ll grow and thrive without much effort.

Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.