Those who are looking for really nice house plants will be pleased with orchids. Orchids have been popular staples in many people’s homes for a long time.
If you’ve been caring for an orchid plant for a little while now, then you know just how great they look. They’re stunning and definitely stand out no matter where you choose to put them.
You might be wondering what’s going to happen once your orchid has its flowers fall off. Is that going to be it for the plant or is it supposed to grow back at some point?
Continue reading to learn everything that you need to know about orchids and whether they grow back or not. You’ll be much more informed about orchids and will feel ready to care for your plant to the best of your ability.
It Depends on the Type of Orchid
Whether you can expect the orchid to keep growing back each year depends on what type of orchid you’re caring for. Orchids are considered to be perennial plants, and this means that they don’t die after flowering.
That’s good news for those who want to be able to keep enjoying keeping orchids in their homes. There’s still more to consider, though.
You see, some orchids are only going to bloom once per year. Others might bloom two times per year or even more than that.
It all comes down to what type of orchid you purchased. If you want specific information about how often your orchid is going to bloom, then you’ll need to determine the genus of your plant and look things up.
Orchids Can Bloom Again When the Flower Falls Off
Orchids can bloom again when the flower falls off. After an orchid is done blooming, the flowers are all going to start to fall.
You’ll be left with just spikes where the flowers used to be. There are things that you can do to attempt to make the plant bloom again faster.
For example, you can cut off the old flower spike. This is done so that the plant will be able to put more energy toward growing new leaves.
When cutting, you’re going to want to ensure that you cut the stem at its base. Choosing to leave the stem intact is not a good idea.
One reason to cut the stem is to improve the look of the plant. It’ll look unsightly if you leave the stem in place.
Eventually, the stem is going to turn yellow and then brown. You might as well cut it at the base since it’ll look a lot nicer and the old stem doesn’t need to be there.
Eventually, a new set of blooms will be produced by the plant. You’re just helping it along by ensuring that it doesn’t waste energy.
What Should You Do for an Orchid When the Flower Falls Off?
You learned some of the ways that you can try to encourage the orchid to bloom again already. There’s still more that you should know about this topic if you want to get the best results.
Taking the right actions will make it a lot easier to get consistent results. You’ll be able to help the orchid along so that it can do what it needs to do to grow back strong.
Removing the Flower Spikes
Removing the flower spikes is one of the steps that you need to take. All you need to do is use some type of cutting tool that is appropriate for the job.
It’ll be easiest to use pruning shears. Just be sure to sterilize the shears before and after cutting the flower spikes.
This is done to prevent fungal diseases from spreading to other plants. It’s a wise precaution to take since fungal diseases can be so problematic for so many plants.
Some people take the extra step of putting cinnamon on the cuts. This can help to further protect the plant.
It might not be entirely necessary to do this, though. If you simply disinfect your pruning shears using alcohol, then all will surely be fine.
You Should Repot the Plant
Repotting the plant is also recommended. You might notice that the orchid’s roots will start to grow over the pot.
At this point in time, the orchid is going to need to be placed in a new pot. The best time to repot the plant is when it has stopped flowering.
Plant the orchid in a pot that is the right size. Remember that you’re supposed to pot orchids in a bark-based potting mix.
It’s fairly simple to find a potting mix that is specifically meant for orchids from gardening centers. You should be able to get what you need so that you can get the best results.
Remember to be careful when repotting the orchid. You want to lift the orchid out of the pot so that it doesn’t wind up breaking apart.
So long as you’re being mindful of how you lift the plant, it’s likely that everything will go fine. Get the plant in the new pot and you’ll be ready to move on.
Give the Plant Water and Fertilizer
Once an orchid has stopped blooming, it’s going to go through a “resting” period. At this time, the orchid is going to consume less water than it normally does.
So during the rest period, you’re going to want to give it a bit less water than normal. This is true for orchids such as Ondicium and Cattleya.
Other orchids such as Phalaenopsis and Vanda require more water. If you have those orchids, then note that they will need a bit more water so that you can give them what they require.
Giving the plant fertilizer will also be a good idea. This can help to give it the necessary nutrients to grow back and bloom.
It’s recommended that you only use water-soluble orchid fertilizer for these plants. Other fertilizer types likely won’t be properly formulated for these plants.
You should be able to give the plant fertilizer on a weekly basis, but you must be sure not to give it too much. On average, you’ll be watering the orchid plant once per week as well.
Depending on the conditions, you might only need to water the orchid plant once every two weeks. When the weather is warm, orchids want to be watered twice per week, but during the cold weather they need less water.
Always be careful not to water the orchids too much. This will wrinkle the leaves, and it can even cause serious problems such as root rot.
Try to Give the Orchids a Warm Environment
Technically, orchids are capable of growing in many different environments. If you want to give the plant the ideal situation, then you should strive for a warm environment.
When you’re looking to encourage orchids to bloom again, it’s recommended to keep the temperature between 65 degrees Fahrenheit and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
Some varieties of orchids bloom faster in cold temperatures, though. You might want to check what type of orchid you’re caring for before proceeding.
Generally, warm-growing orchids are popular in households. They rebloom well in typical household settings.
Most people like to keep their homes somewhere in the temperature range mentioned above. So average warm-growing orchids will thrive in your home and bloom again so long as you’re meeting the plant’s care needs.
Orchid Spike Growth
So how long should you expect it to take an orchid spike to grow? Is it going to happen relatively fast?
The truth is that it depends on various factors. An orchid spike can take anywhere from one month to one year for a new flower spike to grow.
Generally, the growth rate of new flower spikes is considered to be kind of slow. Most orchid flower spikes will take between one and three months to bloom.
Certain types of orchids take even longer to grow new spikes. Depending on what type of orchid you’re caring for, it could be a very slow process.
Factors such as sunlight and temperature will play a role in how fast things happen as well. If the orchid has greater access to light, then it’ll be able to gather more energy and grow flower spikes faster.
Warmer temperatures generally encourage faster growth, too. If you follow the advice above, then you should be able to get the orchid to grow back and bloom again as fast as it’s able to.
Final Thoughts
You’ve learned what you need to know about orchids now. Orchids can and will grow back.
These plants might only bloom once per year or they could bloom multiple times per year. The specifics will depend on the type of orchid that you’re caring for.
Either way, you’re going to want to do certain things to encourage faster regrowth and blooming. Pruning the orchid properly, watering it right, and giving it fertilizer will make a difference.
It’s also crucial to repot the orchid plant when it needs to be done. Be sure to buy the right potting mix when doing this, though.
Keep the orchid in the right conditions based on the type of orchid that you have. If you do this, then you’ll be able to see your orchid grow back and look beautiful again.

Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.