The spider plant is one of the most popularly grown houseplants in the world. Some people refer to it as the airplane plant, primarily because of the way it looks.
Most people usually like to hang the spider plant in baskets around their house. Unlike most plants that grow upward, the spider plant tends to extend downward, so hanging it in a basket obviously makes a lot of sense.
It is a perennial flowering plant, and is available in a number of variegated forms. People generally prefer growing the spider plant because it doesn’t require a lot of the sun, and more importantly, the plant itself looks really good.
If you are interested in adding some much needed color to your house, installing a spider plant is a great idea. On top of that, you should know that the spider plant is also one of the easiest plants that you can care for.
If you are new to the concept of gardening and want to improve your skills, bringing a spider plant home is a really great idea. These plants are pretty reliable and aren’t sensitive at all, so you won’t have to worry about the plant sustaining any kind of injuries or damage due to your inability to care for it.
But, like all other plants, you need to understand that the spider plant has a series of requirements that must be met. The spider plant is going to need an adequate amount of water and access to sunlight, though it’s really not as difficult when compared with other plants.
Here are a few things that you should know about caring for the spider plant, starting with the lighting.
Lighting and Climate
You should know that the spider plant is generally designated for zones 9 and 11, and they usually like soil that drains quickly. On top of that, they also prefer light shade. But, that doesn’t mean that these plants cannot survive indoors; they can do really well with lots of indirect light.
You should know that they also do really well in temperatures between 55 degrees and 80 degrees F. These plants really like humidity so you might want to consider keeping them near a sunny window.
If you can, keep them in your kitchen or your bathroom, where they are going to receive quite a bit of humidity.
But, humidity isn’t a big problem; there are other ways by which you can improve the humidity of your spider plants. Remember, the plant is going to need access to a bit of sunlight at the very least. You will want to make sure that your plant gets a bit of sunlight.
It’s also important that you avoid keeping it outright in the sun. The spider plant does not do well when it is exposed directly to too much light. In the case of these plants, you should know that less is more.
If the plant receives too little sunlight, you will notice that the edges of the leaves will start to wilt.
But, this change takes a long time, and you will be able to notice it right away. If that happens, just keep the plant slightly near the window, and it will receive its daily dose of sunlight and perk up.
If you leave the plant right in the sun fully exposed, there is a pretty strong chance that the plant will burn up, and that could lead to serious damage.
The spider plant will continue to register growth with the passage of time as long as it gets a steady amount of indirect sunlight. These plants really thrive when they are able to get indirect sunlight, so you have to be particular about where to keep it.
What About Water?
More importantly, you should understand that lighting isn’t the only problem that you have to deal with.
Watering the plant is also important, so you have to make sure that you provide adequate amounts of water to the plant as well. The spider plant has a pretty strong reputation for being one of the plants that is hardest to kill.
But, without water, all living things are likely to die. If you want to keep your plant healthy and happy, you need to make sure that you do the following things mentioned below.
One of the most common reasons why the spider plant dies is overwatering. You need to make sure that you remember the time and date of when you last watered it.
Before you decide to add water to your spider plant, you might want to check the soil. You need to determine whether the soil is dry before you actually decide to add more water to the plant.
The best way to check the soil is by putting your finger in up to the first knuckle. It will give you a better idea about whether the soil is dry or still wet, allowing you to decide whether to add more water or to wait a day or two before adding more water.
The plant is quite susceptible to root rot if it remains waterlogged. You have to make sure that you only plant it in well-draining soil. Also, you have to ensure that there are drainage holes present in the pot when you plant it.
To prevent the soil from washing out completely, you should cover the drainage holes. Also, use conventional potting soil to provide the best care for the plant.
If you notice a considerable number of brown tips on the leaves, it’s probably due to the quality of water. Instead of using tap water, you should consider using distilled water for the plant.
Last, but not least, you need to be observant. Even though this is an incredibly resilient plant with a pretty strong reputation and it isn’t going to sustain any kind of damage, you need to understand that the plant does have its requirements. If they are not met, you should know that the plant will die.

Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.