Lemongrass is often used as a type of ornamental plant, and many people like putting it in their garden areas too. If you have been thinking about growing lemongrass, then you’re probably trying to learn a bit about it.
You should know that these plants can grow faster than you might expect. They can grow very quickly when you take care of them well.
Being that lemongrass is a type of tall perennial grass, you might be wondering about how it will spread. You’ll definitely want that information before you try to plant it somewhere.
Keep reading to learn about whether lemongrass will spread and what you should expect. You’ll be better informed and this will make it simple to decide where to put lemongrass and how to plant it.
Lemongrass Definitely Spreads
The first thing to know is that lemongrass certainly does spread. You’ll need to be prepared for something that can spread a lot when you decide to plant lemongrass.
Lemongrass can easily spread enough to fill a bed that you planted in. It will spread out to fill whatever pot you decided to plant it in, assuming that you went that route.
When you buy a lemongrass plant, you should expect it to reach a height of three to five feet in just one growing season. It also has the potential to grow as wide as two feet in a single growing season.
If you aren’t careful, then lemongrass could easily spread more than you want it to. It’s also possible that the lemongrass will start to look as if it’s out of control if you don’t cut it back or prune it regularly.
This is an extremely fast-growing plant that can even outgrow pots that you put it in. For instance, if you grow lemongrass in a small pot, it’s possible that the roots could grow large and fast enough to break through the pot.
If you give lemongrass lots of water and some fertilizer, then it can spread a lot. It’s actually pretty impressive how fast lemongrass can spread, but it’s something that you’ll likely need to watch out for if you want to tame it and keep it contained to a specific spot.
Encouraging Spreading
If you want to encourage lemongrass to spread and do well, then all you really need to do is take care of it properly. Lemongrass is a type of plant that needs sun to thrive, and this means that it will do best if you put it in a spot where it’ll get as much sun as possible.
This is even true if you live in a part of the world where things get hot in the summer. This is considered to be a tropical herb, and it can handle a bit of harsh sunlight without it being a big deal.
You’re also going to need to water it consistently if you want to encourage it to keep spreading quickly. Lemongrass likes the soil to stay pretty moist, but you shouldn’t make the soil soggy.
Do your best to keep an eye on the soil so that you can water it when the soil starts to get a little dry. If you’re someone who pays attention to plants, then it should be easy to keep lemongrass watered enough to continue to thrive and spread.
The type of soil that you plant lemongrass in can have a bit of an impact, too. Clay soil would be the worst type to use, but you can change clay soil by adding compost to it and enriching it.
You generally want to plant lemongrass in well-draining soil that is fairly nutrient-rich. Try to create a good soil mixture for your lemongrass if you want it to spread.
Fertilizing the lemongrass during the growing season can make a difference. Many lemongrass enthusiasts recommend using a simple 20-20-20 fertilizer each month to encourage growth.
How to Keep Lemongrass From Spreading
Keeping lemongrass from spreading will be tougher than helping it to spread. This is a fast-growing herb that can get out of control if you slack a bit.
Really the best thing to do is to plant lemongrass in a specific spot where it won’t encroach into other parts of your garden. You don’t want to see the lemongrass become detrimental to the other plants that you’re caring for.
If you want to plant lemongrass somewhere in the garden, then you can try to separate it from the other plants. Use some type of barrier or keep it in a separate bed so that it doesn’t spread near the other plants.
Another thing that you can do to keep it from spreading too far is to prune it. Pruning is going to help the plant to look more presentable overall, and you’ll probably need to do this fairly often.
When you notice the lemongrass is starting to look a bit wild, then you can grab some shears and start cutting it back a bit. This will discourage the plant from spreading and can keep it looking a bit tighter overall.
If you don’t bother to try to prune lemongrass, then it can start to look very wild. Some people think that lemongrass looks fine this way because that’s how it would be naturally, but others like the lemongrass plants to have a more pleasing shape.
You can decide what is best to do for your plants, but it’s a good idea to prune if you’re worried about the plant spreading too far. If you don’t bother to do this, then you’re going to have to deal with the plant spreading more quickly than you might have initially expected.
Final Thoughts
Lemongrass is a very interesting type of plant that you might enjoy keeping in your garden. You just have to remember that the plant can grow quickly and that it spreads a lot.
If you aren’t prepared to care for lemongrass, then you can get caught off guard by how fast it spreads. People have even had lemongrass outgrow pots and containers when they’re too small.
In some instances, lemongrass has even managed to break small pots by having the roots bust through. It’s kind of impressive in a way, but it’s less than ideal when you’re trying to keep the plant in a small and specific spot.
You should always try to plan where you’re putting lemongrass ahead of time. It’s probably best to put lemongrass in its own bed or container so that it doesn’t bother other plants.
As long as you know this, it shouldn’t be so tough to get good results. You can even help to keep lemongrass in check by pruning it whenever it’s necessary to do so.
Pruning is a more regular thing with lemongrass than it is for many other plants. Even so, it shouldn’t be too onerous to keep it taken care of.
If you like the idea of lemongrass spreading, then just try to provide it with optimal conditions. Give it enough sunlight and water so that you can see the lemongrass continue to thrive.
You know everything that you need to know about lemongrass and how it spreads. Enjoy your lemongrass, but be mindful of what you need to do to get things to turn out how you want.

Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.