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4 Reasons You May See Yellow or Brown Leaves on Your Fuchsia Plant

4 Reasons You May See Yellow or Brown Leaves on Your Fuchsia Plant

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The fuchsia plant is one of the most popular flowering plants that people usually grow in their gardens. The plant is mainly grown as a shrub, or as a small tree and it looks very different from other plants.

There are almost 110 different species of the fuchsia plant that are recognized and a significant number of these plants are native to South America, but they can be readily grown in different parts of the world.

They have a very dainty and delicate appearance, and many people love growing fuchsias in their houses. They are usually hardy plants that can grow quite well as long as their growing conditions are met.

Their blooms are extremely gorgeous, as the flowers tend to hang off the branches. But, you should know that despite its beautiful appearance, the fuchsia plant is susceptible to damage or diseases from time to time as well.

The plant is popular for its bicolor flowers and many people like to grow the fuchsia plant in hanging baskets. When it is in bloom, the flowers tend to hang off the basket, giving it a very unique and stylish appearance.

However, if you notice the leaves of your fuchsia plant turning yellow or brown from time to time, you have to take action as quickly as possible. Many people tend to ignore this in the hope that the plant will get better on its own, but that’s not going to happen.

You need to take remedial action and determine the reason why the fuchsia leaves are turning yellow or brown, and then fix it. Here are a few things that you should know about why the leaves turn yellow or brown, and how you can fix the problem.

1 – Natural Changes

Fuchsia Bud With Green and Yellow Leaves

First of all, you should know that one of the reasons why your fuchsia leaves might be turning yellow and falling off is because of nature. Leaves turning yellow and falling off, and then being replaced by others, is a part of the natural growth cycle.

This usually occurs for leaves that are situated at the base of the plant. If the fuchsia plant grows outdoors throughout the year, especially in a warmer climate, the older stems are going to become woody, and the plant will turn into a shrub.

With time, the leaves situated close to the ground, at the bottom of the plant, will turn yellow and begin to fall off. A common mistake that many people make is that they do not tidy the area regularly.

Instead of leaving the fallen leaves on the ground, you should remove them consistently to prevent a fungus from developing and spreading to the healthy plants throughout the yard.

2 – Care Issues

Limp Leaves and Rotting Root System of a Fuchsia

Then, you have to take into account the growing conditions for the plant. If the growing conditions for the plant are not met, it’s obviously going to suffer, and the leaves are likely to fall off.

For instance, improper watering is a major concern. Apart from that, exposure to too much sun can also cause damage to the plant, eventually turning the leaves yellow.

Underwatering or overwatering are both serious concerns and should not be taken lightly. If the fuchsia does not get adequate amounts of water, the leaves will turn yellow.

If the soil becomes dry to the point that the plant is unable to carry out photosynthesis, it won’t take long before it starts to lose its color and the leaves begin to turn yellow. This is a fairly common occurrence and is usually followed by the plant wilting over time.

The same happens when the fuchsia receives too much water. Excessive watering in the pot causes the roots to drown. They are unable to absorb the oxygen from the surroundings, and the plant starts to die.

The simple way to deal with this matter is to make sure that you allow the soil to drain properly every time you water the plant. Most people simply don’t let that happen, and then suffer the consequences later on.

Another major issue you will experience due to overwatering is root rot. Fungi will start developing on the roots of the plant, and this is going to make matters quite difficult.

The only way to deal with root rot is to uproot the plant and cut off the affected roots. Similarly, if your area receives hard water, the plant might not take kindly to it.

If you notice a change in the color of the fuchsia leaves due to the hard water that you give to the plant, it might be a wise idea to make the switch.

Bottled water is a great alternative and it’s relatively inexpensive too. Make sure you buy purified water so that your plant does not face too many issues.

3 – Sun Scorching

Blooming Fuchsia With Browning Leaves

The ideal growing location for the fuchsia plant is outdoors with partial shade. If your plant is kept directly under the sun, it will get sun scorched and the leaves will begin to turn yellow or brown.

If you are growing the fuchsia in your house, it’s best to keep it near the window where it can receive indirect sunlight. Otherwise, the edges of the leaves will begin to burn.

This also happens during the time you water the plants in the summer months. If you are not careful and pour water on the leaves and it is allowed to stay on them until the water evaporates, it is going to leave behind scorch marks.

It’s best to adjust your watering schedule so that you only do it when the sun is not shining brightly on top, and you should also move the plant to a location where it is not going to be directly exposed to the sun.

Another issue you have to think about is the soil. Fuchsia needs magnesium, and if yours is an older plant, the amount of magnesium in the plant might have fallen to considerably low levels.

You need to repot the plant and replace the soil to replenish its nutritional requirements and make sure that the plant is able to grow properly.

4 – Viral Diseases

Pink and White Fuchsia With Leaves With Brown Spots

If you have kept the fuchsia house plant near other plants that are diseased, there is a strong chance that your fuchsia will contract a viral disease as well.

The thing about viral diseases is that there isn’t any viable cure for them, and they will continue to spread if you do not take action in time. It is best if you discard the plant and get another one in its place.

After every few months, you should also think about checking the roots of the plant. The roots of your houseplant are going to spread around the pot very quickly, and it won’t take long before they take up the entire pot.

When that happens, the plant will begin to suffocate, and the first sign is the yellowing of the leaves. You have to take out the plant and then place it into a bigger pot to allow the roots enough space to breathe.

Take a look and see if the roots are coming out of the drain holes to determine whether the plant is crowded out or not.

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