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This Is Why Your Grass Is Turning Brown After Lots of Rain

This Is Why Your Grass Is Turning Brown After Lots of Rain

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Being able to enjoy how nice your lawn looks is a very good feeling. Having a lush, green lawn that you can admire is important for homeowners.

You probably put a lot of effort into caring for your yard to keep it looking as presentable as possible. This involves mowing the lawn properly as well as doing many other things.

Some people water their lawns and others might even give their lawns fertilizer at specific times of the year. If you do all of this, you’re going to be aghast when you see your grass turning brown after lots of rain.

Why would your grass suddenly turn brown after a storm? Is there something wrong with the lawn itself or is there a mistake that you made?

Keep reading to learn about why this happens. This should help you to remedy the situation, and you might even be able to avoid having this occur in the future.

Too Much Water Is the Likely Cause

Overwatered grass can turn yellow

For the most part, the only thing that could be causing your lawn to turn brown is too much water. In this instance, you know that your grass turned brown after it rained a lot.

This gives you enough information to surmise that an abundance of water is what caused the change in your grass. It rained so much that your lawn was exposed to too much water.

To be fair, there are many other reasons why a lawn can turn brown. It’s just that this case has to do with a lawn experiencing this after the onset of heavy rainfall.

When grass is exposed to more water than it can handle, it’s going to cause it to drown. A lot of water has the potential to kill the grass.

If you’re noting that the lawn looks dull and sort of brown after it rained, this is what’s happening. It’s a common issue that people experience when it rains way too much in a short period of time.

Sadly, overwatering issues can lead to many problems for your grass. Aside from ruining the way that your lawn looks, it can also cause fungal issues to occur.

Too much moisture creates the perfect environment for fungus to grow. It’s also possible that the grass will experience rot, and this can develop into a full-blown fungal lawn disease.

As you might expect, taking action fast is imperative. You don’t want to ignore this issue if you care about the appearance of your grass.

Soggy Spots

Soggy lawn spots can turn yellow if stepped on

Soggy spots in your lawn after periods of heavy rainfall should be avoided. If you step on soggy and muddy spots, you can easily cause damage to the grass.

You want to give the lawn a bit of time to dry out if possible. Try waiting a day or so to walk on it if possible.

Otherwise, you might wind up having your feet sink into the soggy spots on your lawn. These deep footsteps are very damaging, and you want to avoid doing this to the grass.

Rapid Weed Growth After Rain

The onset of heavy rainfall can cause weeds to grow rapidly as well. Rapid weed growth can be very problematic for your lawn.

Too many weeds will make it tough for it to get the nutrients that it needs from the soil. It has to compete with the weeds for resources, and this can cause the lawn to turn brown.

If too much water isn’t the issue, the water could be what contributed to the sudden growth of weeds. More moisture than usual can cause different weeds to grow, and you’ll certainly want to keep your eyes open for them.

Try to take care of weeds fast to keep them from becoming a problem. You might need to do some extra weeding after periods of heavy rainfall.

How to Save Your Lawn

You have a basic understanding of what caused your lawn to turn brown now. It’s likely that the lawn was exposed to too much water over a short period of time.

What can you do to save it? You really just need to wait for the lawn to dry out and hope that it perks back up after time has passed.

This is also an indication that you need to change your watering habits. Normally, heavy rainfall won’t be enough to cause the grass to turn brown.

It’s likely happening because you’ve already been watering your lawn a bit too much. Or you might have been close to going over the edge and over-watering your lawn before it started to rain.

Adjust your watering schedule so that you won’t be watering the grass quite as often. You might need to adjust your sprinklers or turn them off if you know that it’s supposed to rain during the week.

Being wise about the watering choices that you make should be enough to keep the lawn safe. It’s also a good idea to aerate it when you have the time.

You can aerate a lawn by using a garden fork and poking holes in the soil. Some people use machines to do this because it makes it go way faster.

Dethatching the lawn is another recommended step. This is a process that involves removing dead or decaying grass stems, shoots, and roots.

If you don’t dethatch the lawn, it can keep healthy grass from growing. You’re removing a layer of dead and decaying material to make room for new growth.

This should also help with drainage so that your lawn can dry out better. It’s always wise to dethatch your lawn when it looks as though it needs it.

Final Thoughts

When your lawn turns brown after it rains, it’s likely due to watering it too much. The heavy amount of water that it was exposed to is likely what caused the grass to become brown.

You can try to let the grass dry out so that things will improve. It’s wise to aerate and dethatch the lawn when you get the chance to do so.

Adjust your watering schedule so that you aren’t watering it more than you need to. It might have been close to receiving too much water before it started to rain, and the rainfall simply pushed it over the edge.

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