Gardening is a fantastic step toward self-reliance and food security. However, with rising temperatures and water costs, some might feel discouraged by the prospect of adding to their bills.
But what if I told you there are easy and affordable ways to conserve water without compromising your prized flora?
With a little creativity and luck, you can cut your water bills down and enjoy a bountiful green harvest, all at the same time.
How to Harvest Rainwater For Your Garden
Harvesting rainwater is a practice done for thousands of years by our ancestors. And with consumers facing higher water costs, it might be time to trace your roots and apply these traditional water conservation methods.
Here are some of the best ways to collect rainwater for your garden and home use:
Rain Barrels
Collecting rainwater can be as simple as installing barrels underneath your downspouts. Using your roof as the catchment surface, you can collect more than enough water to feed your plants and more.
Any unused barrels sitting around your house will do. You may also purchase commercial rain barrels with features designed for this purpose.
The advantage of this water harvesting method is it’s easy to install. So, you don’t need to pay hundreds of bucks to hire professionals to implement the catchment system for you.
Most barrels only have around 55 to 100-gallon capacity. But if you have more than one downspout, having two or three should be enough to quench your plants for several weeks.
Roof Diverters
What if you don’t have gutters or downspouts in your home? In that case, you can install roof diverters.
Roof diverters are metal strips installed in certain spots of your roof to redirect rain away from windows and doorways. You use it to prevent water pooling spots that may compromise your home’s integrity.
If you have one of these diverters, you’ve got yourself a simple method to harvest rainwater. Simply place your barrels in the exact spot where the diverter dumps the runoff.
Landscape Trenches
You can use the terrain as a large rain catchment contraption if you live near a slope, such as hills and mountainsides. This rain harvesting method takes effort, but you can store large quantities of water for your garden.
Go outside when it rains and observe how the water flows around the landscape. You can create a flow map to help you identify where most runoff collects.
Dig a trench where most rainwater rushes down. Then, place containers in the trench to catch and store the water. You can also use boards or tarps to redirect the water flow on the slope into your trench.
Benefits of Harvesting Rainwater
Harvesting rainwater offers plenty of benefits to your community. With potable water decreasing every year, having other sources for your garden can be incredibly helpful to the environment.
According to the EPA, a one-inch rainstorm hitting an average 2,000-square-foot house provides around 500 gallons of free water. By collecting runoff, you’re minimizing the burden on public water supplies and helping reduce flood risks.
Of course, it benefits your household, too. Having a constant water supply for irrigation, gardening, and other necessities, you can save 40% of your water bills!
Here are some of the most commonly asked questions you might find helpful:
How can I purify rainwater?
If you use rainwater for non-drinking purposes, running your collection through sand and charcoal should clean most of its impurities. But if you plan on drinking it, you’ll need chemical, heating, and other filtration methods to make it potable.
How can I use rainwater?
Rainwater has plenty of uses for your household. You can use it for your plants, feeding your animals, bathing your pets, washing your laundry, and more. You can even purify the runoff and turn it into drinking water!
Final Thoughts
That’s everything you need to learn about collecting rainwater for your garden. With these water conservation systems installed, I’m sure the next sound of rain patter will make your day!
Use it to save some bucks in these blistering months. Keep your flora satisfied and enjoy another bountiful harvest of lush veggies.
Now, would you care for a rain dance?

Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.