Begonias are incredibly popular plants that are kept by people all around the world. The begonia blooms and produces gorgeous flowers, which are loved by many. If you are interested in adding a bit of color to your garden, planting a few begonias is a great idea.
Many people grow begonias for their flowers, but many others love the gorgeous foliage that they give off. This is one of the most beautiful plants and there are also perennial variants available in the market, so you should also consider which one you want for yourself.

However, it primarily depends on the kind of begonias you buy for yourself. To get a better idea about how long the begonias bloom, it’s important that we talk about the various kinds of begonias available in the market, and then focus on each one.
The Cane Begonia
The cane begonia is quite popular, and is referred to by many as angel wings due to its unique foliage. Cane begonias are an evergreen variety, and they have been given this name because of the fact that the stems of the plant resemble bamboo joints.
The plant is likely to grow multiple stems over the passage of time, and can grow up to five feet tall, as long as you provide adequate growing conditions.
Keep in mind that most cane begonias are going to bloom from spring until fall, though there are quite a few varieties that are going to bloom throughout the course of the year.
The plant usually has pink flowers and gives off an apple blossom fragrance. It’s a pretty beautiful plant that is going to look incredibly good in any garden you decide to keep it in.
Shrub Begonias
Then, you have the shrub begonias. The shrub begonias are also an evergreen variety, so you can expect them to bloom around the course of the year as well. They are also incredibly easy to care for, and give off gorgeous flowers and foliage.
The stems are soft and green in color, and the plant usually grows upright over the passage of time. In fact, some of the variants are likely to grow up to eight feet in length.
There are also other varieties that are suitable for growth in hanging baskets as well, so you have quite a few options available depending on where you are going to hang the plants.
However, you should know that the plant is going to require a considerable amount of care; you will have to prune the plants and give them a proper shape if you want them to blossom over time.
Rhizomatous Begonias
Finally, you have the rhizomatous begonias. These grow from rhizomes, and need adequate care as well. The flowers are incredibly attractive for this plant, but you should know that the main source of attraction is the foliage that it produces.
The star begonias, for instance, have gorgeous star-shaped leaves, and are incredibly popular. However, you should know that the flowering times depend on the species of the plant.

There are a few ways by which you can maximize the time for the bloom and make the plant grow as best as possible. This means that you have to provide adequate care first and foremost, and it’s recommended that you pay appropriate attention to the plant.
Now, let’s talk about how to properly care for the plant.
The cane, shrub, and rhizomatous begonias all require a similar level of care if you want them to grow properly. First and foremost, you need to make sure that you place them in an area where the soil is well-draining.
These plants do not do well in soil that is compacted and stores water, so you need to make sure that you choose a suitable kind of soil for it.
More importantly, you should know that overwatering is a bad idea, and is going to kill the plants. Most people tend to water the plant excessively when they begin to bloom, and that is a terrible idea.
You need to make sure that you avoid over-watering the plant carefully. There are some ways to tell if the plant is receiving too much water. You can observe the leaves carefully to determine just how much water the plant is getting.
If the leaves are yellow and are dropping off, you should know that the plant is receiving more water than it requires. You need to make sure that you prevent this from happening.
Moreover, if you want to improve the bloom timings, you need to add fertilizer to the plant at least once a week.
Use a balanced liquid fertilizer at least once a week. Another common mistake that many people make to extend the time of the bloom is that they start pruning the begonias while it is blooming. You need to make sure that you avoid pruning the plant until after it has bloomed.
Otherwise, you are going to end up causing damage to the plant, and the blooming period is going to be cut short considerably. The plant is also susceptible to a range of diseases such as powdery mildew and mealy bugs, so you have to take care of that as well.
White flies and thrips are also a threat to the plant, so you need to add insecticide to the plant from time to time. These are just a few important ways to prolong the lifespan of the begonia and make it bloom in a better manner.
You need to make sure that you properly care for the plant and provide it with the right levels of humidity and temperature.
You need to make sure that you also provide a boost of humidity to the plant, as it really thrives in humid environments. As long as you pay attention to your begonias, they are going to give you a full season bloom. In some cases, it might even last a full year depending on the variety you have.

Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.