One of the most popular plants that has been around for generations is the philodendron. The philodendron has been a fixture in homes throughout the world, partly because of its lush green texture and also because of the fact that the philodendron is incredibly easy to care for.
If you want to add some plants to your house, you should definitely consider adding a few philodendrons in your garden. It’s a fantastic decision that’s going to pay off dividends for years to come.
As long as you know how to read the signs, caring for the philodendron isn’t going to be much of a problem.
If you are an inexperienced individual and don’t know how to properly grow houseplants, this is a great option for you to begin with. The plants adapt really quickly to situations at your house, and it’s not going to be an issue for you at all.
The philodendron houseplant thrives amazingly well in indoor conditions, though they don’t mind the occasional stay outdoors from time to time. If you want your plants to grow in a healthy and happy manner, you should definitely consider giving them a bit of sunlight as well.
If you want to learn how to propagate the philodendron, you need to first learn how to properly care for one. A happy, healthy plant is going to give off babies much quicker than one that is already suffering, so you need to understand the basic care regimen for the plant first.

Like all other plants, the philodendron has just three basic needs that you need to worry about: the use of fertilizer, adequate water, and sunlight, for the plant.
We have already talked about the adaptability of the plant. When it comes to providing adequate lighting for the plant, you need to make sure that you set it in an area where it’s going to get bright, indirect amounts of sunlight.
You need to find a position that’s close to the window, where the rays of the sun are never actually going to touch the foliage itself.
Now, you should know that normal leaves are going to yellow out as they grow old, but if you notice this happening for several leaves in a short span of time, the plant might be receiving a great deal of light.
But, if the stems are leggy or extensively long, with gaps appearing of up to several inches between the leaves, you should know that the plant isn’t getting enough light.
Water is an essential requirement for all plants, and the philodendron is no exception.
When you want to grow philodendron plants so that you can propagate them properly, it’s recommended that you allow at least the top inch to dry out completely. This is imperative before you decide to pour in more water.
Ideally, the length of the index finger, right up to the first knuckle, should be inserted in the soil to check whether the soil is dry or not. You need to make sure that you check the moisture level accordingly this way.
The plant will also show you some obvious signs that indicate whether it’s getting too little or too much water.
For starters, leaves can indicate whether the plant is getting too much water or if it’s getting too little water. Thankfully, this isn’t a terminal problem; the leaves are going to recover very quickly once you fix the watering schedule.
More importantly, if you are going to propagate the plants, you need to make sure that you add fertilizer.
Feeding the plant is important, and you should consider making use of a balanced, liquid foliage houseplant fertilizer. It should contain macronutrients at the very least as those are important for the plant to grow in a healthy manner.
You also need to water the plant with the fertilizer at least on a monthly basis during the springtime as well as the summer periods.
In the fall and the winter months, you need to increase this to at least six to eight weeks instead. The best way to figure out whether your plant is in need of more fertilizer is to take a close look at it.
Slow growth and a reduction in the size of the leaves are both clear indicators that the plant isn’t getting enough fertilizer.
If the new leaves are generally pale in color, you should know that it’s a clear indication that the plant isn’t getting enough of the essential nutrients that it needs, such as calcium and magnesium. These are absolutely vital for the growth of the plant.
How Do You Propagate the Plant?

Propagation of a philodendron is generally easy, and you don’t need a lot of specialist tools. In fact, all you are going to need is a pair of scissors, as well as a small container with some potting soil in it. To cut the plant, you are going to have to use a sharp pair of scissors, or you can use your trusty old shears.
Cut the piece of stem at least three to six inches long. Ideally, it’s best if you make your cut just above the leaf on the very same stem, as that’s important for new growth. Also, you will have to get rid of all the leaves except the ones that are at the top.
Remember, when potting the plant, you need to make sure that none of the leaves are buried within the potting soil.
Ideally, when it comes to selecting the potting soil, you need to make sure that you use vermiculite, or conventional potting soil. It should be moist so that the plant can settle and spread roots out quickly.
If the leaves get buried within the potting soil, it could cause serious problems, and it could lead to premature death of the leaves. If you notice any leaves getting buried under the soil, you need to perch the cutting just a bit above the soil.
The container should be kept in an area that receives indirect, bright sunlight.
You can either keep it on a windowsill that’s slightly shaded, or just beneath a window where it’s not going to be directly exposed to the sunlight.
Remember to provide adequate water to the plant over time, and you are going to see improvements over the passage of time.
It is going to take at least two to three weeks for the roots to sprout from the plant. Eventually, the plant will continue to grow, and you will notice new leaves growing as well.
You need to check for the roots, and the best way to do that is by gently tugging on the leaves. If you feel any kind of resistance, you should know that the roots are forming underneath.
From there, you can just insert the cutting into potting soil that is at least four inches in width. If the original plant from which you are taking the cuttings is big enough, you can easily take more than one.
Just make sure that you provide the right conditions, and your plant is going to grow happy and healthy without much of a problem at all!

Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.