Spider plant, spider plant… Does whatever a spider can!
Okay, that’s not entirely true. It can, however, add life, energy, and vitality to your house garden. That’s why you want to put in the effort to keep it healthy and strong. This includes pruning it on a regular basis.
Yes, I know it’s nerve-racking. That’s why I’m here, though. I’ll show how to prune spider plants step-by-step so you can enjoy their aesthetics to the max.
Why Should You Prune Spider Plants?
If you’re a first-time plant owner, the idea of pruning might sound weird. Why would you intentionally cut off parts of your beautiful child?
Well, as crazy as it sounds, pruning has several short- and long-term benefits for plants. Let’s see what they are.
Maintaining Aesthetics
Most people who choose to grow spider plants, aka “Chlorophytum comosum,” are dazzled by their shrubby look and unique, pointy leaves. It’s an integral part of their charm. They make you feel like you’re living in a small jungle.
Well, unfortunately, when these plants grow out of control, they can actually turn into a mini jungle. That’s where pruning comes in. It helps maintain its appealing shape, reducing the chances of finding Tarzan at your house when you wake up tomorrow.
It’s the plant equivalent of getting a new cut after months of growing your hair. It keeps everything looking neat and tight.
Improving Overall Health
Spider plants won’t always maintain their vibrant colors. Before you know it, you’ll start noticing brown tips and diseased foliage.
It’s a natural part of growing a plant. Well, pruning allows you to remove these vulnerable parts, which improves your plant’s health and minimizes pest damage.
Besides, when you cut the old, damaged leaves off, you allow your plant to grow new ones, which makes for a more efficient growth process.
Managing Reproduction
Who wouldn’t want a small family of spider plants growing inside their house? Think of all the clean air you’ll enjoy!
Well, pruning can help with that.
You see, spider plants produce what we call “spiderettes.” These are small plantlets dangling from the mother plant.
You can cut them off, plant them in soil, and grow them until they become adult plants.
When to Prune a Spider Plant
You can prune your spider plant any time of the year. Ideally, though, you want to do it when you know it’ll grow the severed parts quickly.
Here’s the thing: Spider plants have active and dormant growth periods. So, picking the right time to prune them is crucial.
The Season
I recommend pruning them during spring or summer. That’s when they go through their growth phase, so they’ll recover in no time.
Obviously, you want to avoid pruning during winter because they’re dormant during that season. It’ll take a long time to see new leaves
The Appearance
The growth/dormancy season isn’t the only factor you need to consider when pruning. You want to keep a close eye on your plant, as any changes in its appearance might indicate it’s time for a trimming session.
If you notice sparse foliage, your plant could use a few snips. Brown or black tips are also a cry for help.
Of course, it doesn’t always have to be that extreme. You can just prune your plant when you see it’s growing out of hand.
Can You Trim Spider Plant Leaves?
If you’re worried that trimming the leaves might cause potential health issues for your spider plant, don’t.
As I’ve already established, pruning is a natural part of growing a plant. As long as you do it right, it’ll help maintain its health and aesthetic value.
What Tools to Use When Pruning a Spider Plant
You only need one tool to prune a spider plant, which is a pair of scissors or pruning shears.
I know some people don’t like using scissors because they think they’re not accurate enough. That’s not true, though.
While the shears give you more precise cuts, scissors will work just as fine. In fact, if your spider plant is on the small side, scissors might be the more viable choice.
Of course, you want to sanitize your tool before cutting the plant.
Not only will rusty shears make the trimming process a hassle, but they’ll also infect your plant with bacteria, which defeats the purpose of pruning.
You don’t have to use specific cleaners. A good, old household cleanser or rubbing alcohol will do the trick.
If they’re too rusty, though, then it’s time to wear your scrub because we’re doing a quick surgery. By surgery, I mean using water and salt to dissolve the rust.
Fill a glass jar with white vinegar and add two tbsp of salt. Let the shears/scissors soak for 12-24 hours, then take them out and rub the remaining rust with steel wool.
Et voila! Clean cutters!
How to Prune a Spider Plant
I know grabbing shears and cutting parts of your plant seems scary, but it’s easier than you think. All you have to do is identify all the discolored/dead leaves and cut them off from the base.
Pro tip: Hold your shears at a 45-degree angle. That gives you the most optimal cuts and reduces the chances of you trimming the plant excessively.
If your plant is growing too quickly, don’t be afraid to cut a few healthy leaves to maintain a proper size. You can also trim runners or offshoots if necessary.
Too many spiderettes are starting to appear? These will stomp your plant’s growth. So, cut the stem between them and your plant.
If your spider plant’s leaves continue to discolor, it’s time to take it out of its pot and prune the roots. Focus on trimming the ones settling at the bottom of the pot. That will help empty some space.
What Is the Post-Pruning Care of Spider Plants?
Cutting the damaged leaves of your spider plants isn’t the last step in the pruning process. There’s still a quick post-pruning care routine to go through.
It’s nothing too fancy; you want to offer your plant an adequate amount of water and place it somewhere with a decent amount of sunlight.
You also want to mist it now and then. These plants appreciate humidity.
Final Thoughts
Now you know how to prune a plant. It’s not as scary as it sounds, right?
You just need to use clean tools, cut the leaves strategically, and give your plant some water and light after you’re done.

Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.