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Sick of Tiny Plants? Learn How to Repot Spider Plants for Maximum Growth

Sick of Tiny Plants? Learn How to Repot Spider Plants for Maximum Growth

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Repotting spider plants is an integral part of their growth cycle, so you don’t want to skip it unless you enjoy having dead plants at your house.

If you’re a new plant owner, you’re in luck. I’ll cover when, why, and how to repot a spider plant. Let’s get right to it!

When to Repot Spider Plants

Lady noticing her spider plant needs repotting with brown and yellow ends

Before I delve into the nuances of repotting a spider plant, learn to identify when it’s time to change its pot.

You can tell your plant needs repotting when you start noticing yellow/brown leaves, stunted growth, and roots growing out of the pot. These are all cries for help.

Your spider plant is telling you it’s outgrown its pot and needs to be transferred to a new one. It usually takes one or two years to reach that stage.

If possible, I recommend repotting your plant during spring or summer. That’s its growth season, so it’ll put more energy toward settling inside the new pot than at any other time.

Whatever happens, don’t repot your plant during winter. As a native of tropical lands, that plant goes dormant in winter, so it won’t respond well to that transfer.

Why Should You Repot Your Spider Plant?

Picture this: You keep growing and growing until you become a giant who can’t fit inside their home. Do you think you’ll be able to function normally that way? No?

The same thing goes for your spider plant. As it grows, its root system starts expanding, absorbing more water and nutrients to ensure the production of healthy leaves.

If your pot isn’t big enough to allow the roots to expand, they won’t absorb enough nutrients, and your plant will suffer.

It’s also a chance to change the soil and provide your plant with fresh nutrients.

How to Choose the Right Container for Repotting Spider Plants

You can’t just place your spider plant in a random pot and call it a day. For the repotting to be successful, the container should have a few crucial characteristics.


Needless to say, the new pot should be larger than the old one. That will prevent your plant from getting root-bound, which can stunt its growth and potentially kill it.

For small spider plants, choose a container that’s one inch bigger. For big spider plants, go with one that’s two inches larger.

You don’t want to go bigger than two inches, as an enormous pot will retain too much moisture, causing root rot.


Proper drainage is essential for healthy growth, as spider plants hate sitting in water. So, choose a pot with drainage holes to allow proper airflow and prevent the soil from soaking.

If you can’t find one with drainage holes, you can buy a pot without them and drill a few holes into it later.


Yes, even the material of your pot can affect the success of the repotting. Plant pots come in different materials, but you can’t go wrong with fiberglass and ceramic.

Clay pots provide excellent drainage but can be a bit too porous, so keep a close eye on the soil’s moisture levels if you decide to use them.

What Type of Soil Should You Use for Repotting Spider Plants?

Spider plants love nutrient-rich, well-draining soil that gives the roots enough room to breathe.

The ideal type should keep the plant hydrated all the time but drain excess water to prevent waterlogging and suffocation. You also want it to have a pH range of 6-7.5 for optimal growth.

That range of acidity creates a balanced environment that allows the plant to absorb nutrients effectively.

Although you can find pre-mixed soil bags with these qualities, I recommend mixing your soil at home to create a mix that caters to your plant’s needs.

It’s not rocket science. Just add one part potting mix, one part orchid bark, one part coco coir, ¼ part perlite, and a sprinkle of limestone.

Coco coir improves soil’s water retention, orchid bark increases air circulation, and perlite helps with drainage. Combine that with limestone’s neutralizing effect, and you get an excellent soil that caters to your plant’s needs.

How to Repot Your Spider Plants

Repotting a Spider Plant

Enough build-up! It’s time to show you how to repot a plant. Don’t worry. The process is more simple than it sounds.

I recommend doing this in your garden, as the process can be messy. If you don’t have a garden, you might want to put newspapers down.

  • Clean your new pot with hot water and soap, then wipe it dry to ensure it’s sterile enough to host your plant.
  • Fill the bottom third of your new pot with soil and water it lightly to help it settle.
  • Gently remove the plant from its old pot. You might have to wiggle it or use a knife to loosen the edges.
  • If the roots are stuck together, loosen them with your fingers, then place your plant in the new pot and fill the rest of it with soil.
  • After you secure your plant in the new pot, give it another rinse and put it back in its original spot.

Keep in mind your plant might take a while to settle into its new home, so be patient.

Why Is My Spider Plant Dying After Repotting?

So, you’ve repotted your spider plant only to see it started losing its color and wilting after a few days. What could be the cause?

Root Damage

As simple as it is, repotting isn’t always harmless. You might have cut a few roots while pulling the plant out of the pot or untangling them before placing them in the new container.

Luckily, treating that issue is fairly simple. Just keep providing an ideal growing environment and these roots will heal eventually.

Transplant Shock

Some plants adjust to their new pots quickly. Others go into shock first. That shock can harm your spider plant.

It’s not that serious. Just put extra effort into your care routine, and you’ll have a happy plant in no time.

Final Thoughts

Congratulations! Now you know how to repot a spider plant. That wasn’t so hard, was it? You just have to make sure you’re using the right pot/soil and repot your plant gently.

Of course, the process might not always go smoothly. You might run into a few problems, but they won’t be anything you can’t handle, so have some confidence.

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