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Is Creeping Thyme Invasive? (How to Control Overgrowth)

Is Creeping Thyme Invasive? (How to Control Overgrowth)

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The creeping thyme is a perennial species of the Thymus. It is an excellent plant that serves as ground cover to provide protection from the sunny regions in your garden.

Unlike its cousin, the thyme, the creeping thyme is not edible, but it does give off a very pleasant fragrance that you are going to like.

In fact, the fragrance smells quite similar to the thyme that most people use in cooking. You should know that the thymus family is quite extensive, and includes a variety of different herbs and plants.

All of these tend to thrive in generally moderate conditions, so if you live in an area of extremes, this might not be a suitable choice.

The foliage of the creeping thyme generally has a pretty fine texture, and it usually spreads out quickly all around the garden. Before you know it, the plant will start producing flowers that are of different colors. Depending on the type of creeping thyme you have, the variety of flowers is going to differ.

The vines usually start giving off flowers during the springtime, or in the first few weeks of summer. In general, these plants do not reach a height of more than six inches from the ground. These plants don’t really have to be invasive as long as you know how to care for them.

However, if you let them run loose and fail to appropriate care for the plant and prune it, you should know that it’s going to spread all over your garden. By understanding more about the creeping thyme, you will be able to figure out how to care for the plant and take appropriate steps to keep it limited to certain areas of your garden.


Multiple Creeping Thyme Plants

You should know that the creeping thyme is generally found in many parts of Eurasia. Butterflies and honeybees generally love these plants, as the butterflies like to lay eggs in the creeping thyme flowers.

Honeybees, on the other hand, are avid pollinators and use the flowers for pollination.


The creeping thyme has a number of different uses, though many people use it for landscaping purposes. People like to utilize the plant as ground cover for their beds of flowers.

If you are worried about weeds growing in your garden and disrupting the growth of the flowers, using creeping thyme is a great idea.

The creeping thyme usually chokes out the life of the weeds that might be growing in your garden, so your flower beds remain neat and clean. Planting the creeping thyme in your garden is also an excellent idea because you will be able to enjoy the fantastic, sweet scene every time you go outside.

During the flowering season, you are going to be absolutely amazed at the smells that this plant produces. The plant is generally short and stocky, so many gardeners also love to use the creeping thyme as a replacement for standard grass in their yards.

However, this is not exactly a wise idea, because you will find it difficult to walk over the garden, especially when it starts to flower. Trampling over the creeping thyme is not a good idea, as you will leave destruction in your wake.

That being said, many gardeners use creeping thyme to fill the gaps in the stepping stones that they plant all around the pathway.

Creeping Thyme on Sidewalk

If you have an empty space in your yard, you should definitely consider planting the creeping thyme to cover it up. It’s also important to note that the caraway thyme, which is one of the most popular varieties, is usually the suitable choice because it offers broader coverage.

If you want a variety of creeping thyme for landscaping, you can’t go wrong with the caraway thyme.

Wooly thyme on the other hand, is a fantastic choice for using in tight regions around the yard where ground cover is required. This is a slow-growing variety that isn’t going to entirely swallow your stepping stones.

Other varieties, which generally grow much faster, will usually do this. You will have to regularly prune the garden to prevent this problem.

The white and red creeping thyme, on the other hand, is an excellent choice for people who want their garden to be covered with flowers. During the latter weeks of the spring and the transition into summer, your entire garden is going to be covered in flowers, painting a phenomenal picture.

If you are a gardener who likes to mix and match different scents, you should know that the creeping thyme adds a gorgeous aroma and fragrance as it begins to grow.

When used around the flowerbeds as a border, this plant is going to thrive. You can also use it to cover the taller grass or the shrubs that tend to grow around the region.

Tips for Growth Management

Overgrown Creeping Thyme

If you want to grow the creeping thyme and manage its growth properly, here are several things that you can do.

First of all, you should know that the creeping thyme grows best when the soil is tipping toward alkalinity. An alkaline balance is needed, so it’s highly important that you grow the creeping thyme in a region where the soil drains well.

Just like other herbs, the creeping thyme doesn’t need a lot of nutrients in the soil to grow properly. The plant will thrive and grow just as well in full sunlight, and it will also do well in areas of the garden where the shade is not full. It doesn’t have an issue with partial shade.

With the passage of time, your creeping thyme is going to develop woody stems as well. If that happens, you should remove the plant altogether, and then add another variety altogether.

By pruning the plant on a regular basis, you will be able to stimulate and promote more growth.

How to Control or Get Rid of it

If you have rapidly growing creeping thyme around your lawn, you might want to consider getting rid of it too. For instance, many people want to use the space for something else, so if you are wondering how to remove it, the best thing to do would be to call a gardener.

Most people consider the creeping thyme to be a weed, but it really isn’t. In fact, this plant is actually good for your garden as it chokes out the weeds.

The best thing that you can do is get in touch with a gardener. Instead of trying to cut out the plant on your own, let a gardener do it.

They are going to remove the plant directly from its roots, leaving the area clear for you to grow other things. Until you decide to plant the creeping thyme again, it’s not going to grow again unlike other weeds.

You should know that the creeping thyme is also surprisingly resistant to pests and problems, so it can thrive quite well in outer environments.

At the end of the day, if controlled properly, the creeping thyme is going to last you a long while without requiring any kind of care. However, if you are not able to care for it, it will spread uncontrollably.

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