Tired of constantly replenishing your mulch beds? Seeking a low-maintenance, pest-resistant option for your garden? Rubber mulch might be your answer.
Inorganic mulches don’t have the best reputation in the gardening industry. They can hinder soil aeration and water penetration, leading to drainage issues and a bunch of other problems.
Rubber mulch doesn’t face the same criticism as most other inorganic mulch, but it isn’t free of concerns, either.
This article answers everything you need to know about rubber mulch, including its pros, cons, and best applications.
Is rubber mulch good, and should you use it for your next landscaping project? Let’s find out.
What Is Rubber Mulch?
Rubber mulch is a landscaping solution made from recycled rubber, usually from shredded tires.
It has a laundry list of benefits, from insulation and pest prevention to water retention and weed suppression. It’s a low-maintenance and long-lasting cover for gardens, landscapes, and playgrounds.
Rubber mulch is produced as an effort to recycle discarded tires.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), more than 290 million tires are discarded annually in the US alone.
Recycling these tires into rubber mulch helps alleviate the environmental concerns associated with tire disposal, such as fire hazards and air pollution.
Since it’s made from inorganic material, rubber mulch is often referred to as “artificial mulch” or “fake mulch.”
It’s available in different colors and forms, with the most popular being:
- Shredded
- Nuggets or chunks
- Mats or tiles
- Pre-rolled sheets
- Rings
Each type of rubber mulch offers distinct advantages.
For example, shredded mulch provides excellent coverage and flexibility, allowing it to conform to uneven surfaces.
On the other hand, rubber mulch nuggets offer enhanced cushioning, making it ideal for playgrounds.
Is Rubber Mulch Better Than Organic Mulch?
There’s no one-word answer to this question, as it all depends on individual needs and preferences.
However, the general consensus is that rubber mulch is rarely better than organic mulch in long-term gardening projects because it doesn’t enhance soil health.
The beauty of organic mulch is that it promotes microbial activity and supports soil structure, leading to healthier plants over time.
Organic mulch gradually breaks down, releasing nutrients into the soil and improving its fertility. It’s eco-friendly and poses little to no risk to humans and pets.
That said, rubber mulch surpasses organic mulch in several aspects.
For starters, it’s exceptionally durable and long-lasting, making it the ideal choice for high-traffic areas like playgrounds or heavily used pathways.
It also doesn’t decompose, so you won’t have to worry about pests and regular maintenance.
What Are the Pros and Cons of Rubber Mulch?
Here are the biggest advantages and disadvantages of using rubber mulch as a landscaping solution:
1 – Lasts 10 to 15 Years
Unlike organic mulch, which decomposes in a matter of a few short years if not months, rubber mulch decomposes at a much slower pace.
Rubber mulch lasts anywhere between 10 to 15 years, and only ever needs replacement if it gets physically damaged or if the color fades.
This makes it an excellent solution for landscaping projects that prioritize long-term durability and minimal maintenance, such as playgrounds, pathways, and commercial landscapes.
It may have a high upfront cost, but it’s generally cheaper than organic mulch in the long term because you wouldn’t have to worry about topping it up as frequently.
2 – Doesn’t Attract Bugs
Since it’s made from inorganic material, rubber mulch doesn’t naturally attract common garden bugs like ants, termites, or beetles.
So if you’re tired of battling insect infestations caused by wooden mulches, rubber mulch may offer a welcome relief.
With it, you wouldn’t have to worry about pest control measures that may potentially harm your plants or surroundings.
3 – Impact Absorption
Before it expanded to the gardening industry, rubber mulch had a niche in the playground industry because of its impact absorption properties.
It’s made of rubber, so it’s pleasant to walk, sit, or play on.
It also minimizes injuries associated with falls, making it a good landscaping option for accident-prone areas like playgrounds, sporting facilities, senior living facilities, and fitness areas.
4 – Less Likely to Get Scattered by Wind or Rain
Rubber mulch is heavier than organic mulch, so leaf blowers, pressure washers, and heavy rain are less likely to displace it.
This means there’s no need for constant maintenance and regular touch-ups, saving you time and effort in the long run.
5 – Inhibits Weed Growth
Due to its dense and non-porous nature, rubber mulch effectively discourages weed growth.
It forms a barrier that prevents sunlight and air from reaching the soil underneath, preventing and suppressing weeds.
1 – Doesn’t Nourish Soil
Rubber mulch is inorganic, so it doesn’t improve soil structure, fertility, or microbial activity like organic mulch.
This can be a significant drawback for gardeners who prioritize long-term soil health and plant nutrition.
2 – May Leak Chemicals Over Time
According to a study published in Chemosphere, rubber mulch releases small amounts of chemicals over time.
These chemicals could potentially leach into the surrounding soil and water, affecting plants and animals.
Research is still ongoing, but even the slightest risk of chemical contamination is enough to (rightfully) dissuade people from using rubber mulch in their gardens.
3 – Highly Flammable
Rubber mulch can ignite and burn quickly when exposed to high heat or flames.
Once ignited, it can produce intense heat and thick, black smoke, which may pose risks to nearby vegetation, people, and structures.
Final Thoughts
Rubber mulch is an excellent long-term solution for landscaping and outdoor areas that benefit from its durability, safety, and low maintenance, such as playgrounds or high-traffic areas.
However, it isn’t the best choice for gardening because it doesn’t release nutrients into the soil like organic mulches do.

Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.