Coming from South Africa, the evergreen jade plants are now famous all around the world — and for a good reason. Jade plants are easy to grow and maintain, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t need to care for them.
A common question among new jade plant owners is “Why is my jade plant dropping branches?” A jade plant will lose its leaves and branches if the soil is in poor condition. This is likely to happen to you if you’re new to gardening.
The key to optimum care for your plant is paying attention to minor changes. In other words, notice what your plant is trying to tell you. If your plant looks off, then you’re doing something wrong.
What Other Problems Cause Branches to Fall Off?
Jade plants are succulent indoor plants, which makes them easy to grow at home. If cared for properly, Jade plants can live for over a hundred years!
There are a few common mistakes that most people make at the beginning of their gardening journey that cause leaves and branches to fall off their plants. Here are some of the common mistakes and how to handle them.
Not Enough Sun
Many people believe indoor plants don’t need a lot of sunlight to live, but that’s not true. Indoor plants, like any other plant, need sunlight to live. This means that house plants can’t stay in a room that’s too dark and doesn’t get enough sunlight during the day.
Jade plants need at least six hours of sunlight every day. Otherwise, you’ll notice that your plant’s becoming less luscious. Another sign that your plant isn’t getting enough sunlight is that its leaves will start dropping, and eventually, branches will drop too.
An easy fix for that problem is to move your plant next to a window to get plenty of sunlight throughout the day.
Too Little/Too Much Water
Another common mistake is that people tend to over-water their plants. Many believe that covering the soil with half an inch of water is the right way to keep their plants hydrated for longer. Doing so can actually harm your plant.
If you notice that your plant’s stem is getting soft and mushy, then you’re over-watering your plant. A soft stem can’t hold your plant upright, and consequently, your leaves and branches will fall off. Remember that jade plants are succulents, which means that you shouldn’t water them every day.
On the other hand, if you don’t water your jade plant enough, you’ll notice that its leaves will start to wrinkle and dry up. If you don’t water it soon after, the leaves will turn brown and the whole branch will fall off the stem.
The optimum solution is watering your plants every 2 weeks to give them a chance to soak up the water. You could check the soil’s moisture by putting a toothpick in the soil and then pulling it out. If it comes out clean, then it’s time to water your plant.
The Soil Is Too Dense
Dense soil won’t allow drainage of excess water. If the soil can’t drain the extra water, your plant’s roots will rot and kill the plant.
To fix that issue, mix your potting soil with perlite. It lessens the soil’s density and makes it lighter. That way, you’ll increase the soil’s drainage and protect your roots from rotting.
The Pot is Too Small
Plants, in general, need to be put in planting pots that are one or two inches bigger than their root system. They need extra room to absorb the nutrients from the soil and grow. If your pot is too small, your plant won’t have enough space to grow and the root will be bound.
A bounded root won’t gather enough nutrients, resulting in falling branches.
After positioning your plant in the right pot, switch it to a bigger one every two years. That way, your plant will happily grow and stay healthy for years.
Final Thoughts
Jade plants can easily add a beautiful touch to your space with minimal effort. All you need to do is learn the basics of growing and maintaining plants, and your jade plant should live for years.
If you spot falling branches, then you may have soil, water, or light problems. If you rule all of these out, then check the pot size of your plant to ensure that it’s sufficient.

Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.