Observing a jade plant in its natural environment relaxes you with its bright glossy leaves and vibrant colors. No wonder many people love having jade plants as houseplants; they’re resilient and don’t require much care.
But what if you start to notice your jade plant changing its color and you ask yourself, why is my jade plant turning purple? You mustn’t panic! It could be a perfectly normal change in color, or it could be something else entirely.
The truth is there are a few possible causes of jade plant discoloration. This article will examine why your jade plant may be turning purple, and we’ll provide tips for preventing future discoloration. Read on as we help you keep your beloved houseplant healthy!
Understanding the Causes of Discoloration
If you notice your jade plant is turning purple, it’s a sign that something isn’t quite right. Like any other plant, the color of a jade plant can change, and the cause of this coloration should be investigated and fixed if possible.
To understand what might be causing your jade plant to turn purple, let’s take a look at some potential reasons:
1 – Lack of Light
Jade plants need light to stay healthy and vibrant. Suppose your jade needs to get more exposure to light. In that case, it can display signs of discoloration in its leaves, turning purple or sometimes a different color.
To ensure your plant receives the full spectrum of sunlight, position your pot facing a window. Or use an artificial lighting mechanism like an LED bulb or halogen flood lamp.
2 – Overwatering
Jade plants can easily be affected by rot in the roots due to excessive watering. Overwatering can cause your plant to darken in color.
If you think you’ve been overwatering your jade plant, try cutting back on watering it or increasing drainage in its pot. You can do that by adding rocks or charcoal granules for water treatment.
3 – Changes In Temperature
If your jade plant gets exposed to cold temperatures, it can become discolored as it tries to regain heat and energy. If that’s the case with your plant, you should move it to a warm environment, like near a radiator or fireplace.
Additionally, check for wind coming from windows or doors since sudden temperature drops can shock the plant and lead to unwanted color changes.
What to Do About a Purple Jade Plant
Whenever you notice your jade plant turning shades of purple, checking the leaves and soil is a good idea. Make sure to check for signs of over-fertilization.
If you’ve recently placed fertilizer in the soil or used it too close to the plant, it could be causing your jade to turn purple.
Soil Mixture
A change in your jade plant’s soil mixture could actually cause it to turn purple. Jade plants are used to well-draining and sandy soil types.
If you find that the soil is too compacted or full of organic material, this could be a reason for your plant turning purple.
Stress In Temperature
Temperature stress can cause purple discoloration in jade plants. Ideally, jade plants enjoy temperatures of around 65℉-90℉ during the day and around 50℉-60℉ at night.
Too much heat or insufficient heat will often trigger a purpling effect in some varieties of jade plants, so you should keep your temperature levels consistent all year round.
Remedies for a Purple Jade Plant
There are steps you can follow to remedy your plant and get it back to its healthy green color.
1 – Identifying the Cause
The first step to fixing your purple jade plant is to identify the cause of its discoloration. Some common causes of such behavior include lack of light, chilly temperatures, excess water, and over-fertilizing.
2 – Reversing Symptoms
Once you’ve identified what’s causing your jade plant to turn purple, here are some solutions you can use to get your jade looking green and healthy again.
- If overwatering is the issue, reduce the frequency and amount of water and monitor your jade plant regularly.
- If underwatering might be causing your jade planet to turn purple, increase water frequency and amount until it turns green again.
- If it’s not given enough light, make sure to give it the light it needs.
- If temperatures are too low for a sustained period, move your jade plant somewhere warm.
Tips to Prevent Color Changes In Your Jade Plant
If you’re worried that your jade plant’s green color will give way to purple, we assure you not to worry. Here are some tips you can follow to help prevent color changes in your jade plant:
1 – Provide Plenty of Sunlight
Jade plants are known for their highly efficient photosynthesis capabilities, so give your plant sunlight or very bright light as an alternative. You should place your plant in a sunny spot and ensure it gets at least 6 hours of sun daily.
2 – Refrain from Using Excess Water
Jade plants are succulents, which means they don’t like wet soil, and overwatering can turn your plant purple. Water your jade only when the top soil layer is dry. Avoid soaking the leaves or stem as it may cause rot and pest infestations.
3 – Monitor Temperature Changes
Jade plants thrive best in moderate temperatures between 65℉-75℉. In temperatures above 85℉, the leaves may begin to turn purple due to heat stress.
Monitor temperature changes and adjust accordingly to protect your jade plant from stress caused by heat.
4 – Provide Good Air Circulation
Hot air that’s not moving around can lead to discoloration in your jade plant. Make sure it gets abundant good air circulation with fans or other methods.
Additionally, try not to cluster other plants too closely around it as this can reduce its air supply. By following these tips, you’ll have a healthier jade plant that retains its vibrant green color for longer.
Final Thoughts
When it comes to your jade plant turning purple, the most common cause is lack of light. Thus, it’s crucial to change its location and give it access to more light.
If your jade is still turning purple, it might be due to a bacterial or fungal infection, which needs to be treated with fungicides and antibiotics, respectively.
It’s essential to recognize the signs of your jade plant turning purple early to prevent further damage. Doing so will ensure that your jade plant remains healthy and responsive for a long time.

Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.