Monstera and mini Monstera plants are a favorite of homeowners because of their lovely looks. However, they’re often mistaken for one another because of their resemblance to each other.
If you’re wondering what makes a Monstera different from a mini Monstera, you’ve come to the right place.
In this article, we’ll explore the differences between these two plants.
What Are the Differences Between a Monstera and a Mini Monstera?
Although some people think that the Monstera and mini Monstera are identical, they have a few key differences that you should know:
The Monstera and mini Monstera belong to different classifications.
The mini Monstera belongs to the Liliopsida family, while the Monstera is part of the Magnoliopsida group.
Generally, the variations between these houseplants show during the early life cycle of each plant.
For instance, the mini Monstera has only one cotyledon as an embryo. On the other hand, the Monstera has a pair of cotyledons.
The price of both houseplants varies depending on the location and color patterns.
The Monstera deliciosa comes at a higher rate than the mini Monstera because it’s a bigger houseplant. On average, the full-sized Monstera can cost $20 to $40, while the mini Monstera ranges between $5 to $20.
Growth Rate and Size
The Monstera has a slower growth rate than the mini Monstera. The mini Monstera can grow more than two feet each growing season, while the Monstera’s growth rate is between one to two feet a year.
In addition, the mini Monstera has smaller leaves than the Monstera.
Typically, mini Monstera leaves can only measure between 4 to 16 inches. In contrast, the Monstera leaves can grow up to 18 inches.
Foliage Appearance
The regular Monstera has thick leaves with a rough texture. They usually appear deep green and glossy.
In comparison, the mini Monstera has thinner leaves that aren’t leathery if you touch them.
Moreover, the foliage of the Monstera has elliptical holes in the middle, while the mini Monstera doesn’t have any.
The Monstera deliciosa can take about two to three years to bloom completely. After a year, the Monstera can produce edible fruits.
Then, once the caps of the fruits start to show, you can harvest them.
On the contrary, the mini Monstera can’t bear edible fruits at all.
Water Requirements
The Monstera and mini Monstera are both fast-growing houseplants. However, the mini Monstera requires more watering because it grows more rapidly than the Monstera.
Additionally, the leaves of the mini Monstera take as much water as they can, causing the soil to dry out quickly.
Hence, make sure to water the mini Monstera every day in warm weather. In winter months, though, you only need to water it once a month.
Meanwhile, you don’t need to water the Monstera on a regular basis because it’s sensitive to overwatering. Just water it when the soil becomes dry.
When it comes to fertilizer, the Monstera and mini Monstera need different methods.
The Monstera requires a well-balanced liquid fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season. On the other hand, the mini Monstera’s fertilizer requirements are more complicated.
You need to make sure that you’ve purchased a good-quality organic fertilizer because a mini Monstera’s roots are vulnerable to fertilizer burn.
Better yet, opt for a fertilizer with little to no chemicals.
Frequency of Repotting
Since the mini Monstera has a faster growth rate than the Monstera, you need to repot it once a year.
It’s also worth noting that mini Monstera has very sensitive roots, which makes it more susceptible to root infections.
In contrast, you only need to repot the Monstera every two to three years or if the plant outgrows its pot.
What Are the Similarities Between the Monstera and Mini Monstera?
Although both houseplants have some notable differences, they also have a few similarities. Let’s take a closer look at them:
The mini Monstera and Monstera contain a toxin called calcium oxalate crystals. This means that both plants are toxic to pets and humans.
Ingestion of this toxin can lead to diarrhea and swollen lips. Hence, it’s best to keep the Monstera and mini Monstera away from your pets and kids.
Sunlight and Temperature Requirements
Generally, the Monstera and mini Monstera are tropical plants, so they require the same amount of sunlight exposure. Typically, they thrive in a room with bright but indirect sunlight.
Just make sure that they’re not exposed to too much sunlight because it can lead to sunburned foliage.
A good idea here is to install a window shade or blinds if your window lets in too much light. This way, you can control the amount of sunlight coming through the window.
In addition, these houseplants require the same temperature of 55℉ to 85℉. However, they can adapt to slightly lower temperatures in your home.
How Tall Do Mini Monsteras Get?
Typically, the mini Monstera can grow as tall as six to eight feet in its natural habitat. Plus, it can grow more than eight feet if you leave it unpruned.
More interestingly, the mini Monstera can be 12 feet tall given the right support, like a trellis or a moss pole. However, if you grow it inside your home, its height will likely be reduced to five feet.
How Tall Do Monsteras Get?
The Monstera can occupy a lot of indoor space because it can grow a lot taller than the mini Monstera.
See, the Monstera can grow as tall as 60 feet in its natural environment.
But not to worry if you’re growing it indoors because this houseplant’s height only reaches a few feet if you keep it in a small pot. However, if you don’t constantly monitor its size and prune it regularly, it might grow to a roaring ten feet!
Final Thoughts
The major differences between the Monstera and mini Monstera are related to their growth rate, foliage appearance, the family they belong to, and ability to bear fruit.
Other differences include size, fertilizer requirements, watering needs, and their repotting frequency.
Still, the Monstera and mini Monstera share the same requirements when it comes to sunlight exposure and temperature. On top of that, they both contain calcium oxalate crystals, which make them toxic to pets and humans.

Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.