The peperomia is one of the most popular plant species. There are more than 1,500 different species of the peperomia on record, and they are most commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions.
The plant is distinctive because of its thick and stout stem and its fleshy leaves, which really help to set itself apart from other plants.
Not only does the peperomia look incredibly beautiful in any garden or house, but it is also easy to care for. As long as the needs of the plant are met, it’s going to grow beautifully in your house.
More importantly, this plant is ideal for people who feel that they haven’t had much luck with flowering houseplants.
If you have invested in a few flowering plants but you haven’t been able to get the best out of them, you should consider bringing a peperomia home.
Also known as the radiator plant, the peperomia is an ideal choice for people who are just getting into houseplants. If you slowly want to work your way up and become an avid gardener, growing a peperomia is a fantastic idea.
Not only is the plant quite forgiving, but it doesn’t require a whole lot of effort either. The plant is also able to tolerate some moderate neglect, and the best part is that you can easily amass various kinds of peperomia with different colors.
As mentioned, the plant does not require a lot of care, so it can be a bit disconcerting when the leaves begin to turn black or brown.
This is an anomaly, so it’s something that you need to take a closer look at. There can be quite a few reasons why your peperomia leaves might be turning black or brown, and the first thing you need to do is figure out exactly what’s wrong.
In the following paragraphs, we will identify a few reasons why your peperomia plant might be turning black or brown and how you can fix the problem.
One of the most important requirements for any plant to grow in a healthy manner is the presence of light.
The peperomia needs medium to bright light to maintain its colors. The vibrant foliage of the plant requires considerable light, otherwise the colors are going to fade away.
The provision of morning light is ideal for the plant, and filtered light is also incredibly good for the plant. Ideally, you should ensure that the plant gets at least 12 to 16 hours of artificial light.
If the plant does not get a sufficient amount of light, it’s going to affect the coloration of the plant, and it’s also going to reduce the number of healthy leaves on the plant. So, one of the things that you need to check is the amount of light that the plant receives.
You need to understand that the plant generally grows like epiphytes out in the wilderness. Many orchids grow this way as well.
Obviously, you need to make sure that you mimic the conditions of the wild. You need to make sure that the soil is acidic, a bit loose, and of course, chunky. One of the best options available to you is to make use of an orchid potting medium.
In most cases, you can also make use of regular potting soil, but you will have to lighten it a bit. This isn’t going to be a problem, especially when you consider that a bit of vermiculite or peat moss can be used to lighten the soil.
If the soil isn’t loose, it’s going to affect the coloration of the plant as well.
Now, let’s talk about the water requirements of the peperomia plant. You might have noticed that the plant has succulent leaves. These indicate that the plant does not require a lot of water to maintain its beautiful appearance.
You don’t need to worry about frequently watering the plant either. More importantly, you need to make sure that you let the surface of the soil dry out before you water it.
This is arguably the most common mistake that people make when it comes to watering the radiator plant. You need to make sure that you first check the soil by putting your finger in it and determining whether it is dry or not.
If the soil hasn’t dried out, you should avoid watering the plant.
Remember, it’s always better if you keep the plant on the dry side instead of saturating it with excessive amounts of water. More water can cause lots of problems for the plant, it can cause root rot and it can also lead to issues such as fungus gnats.
Ultimately, this could cause discoloration as well.
Humidity and Temperature
Then, you have the temperature and humidity. Considering the fact that this is a tropical plant, you should know that it likes a bit of humidity.
These plants cannot be exposed to temperatures below 30 degrees F, and if they are, they are probably going to die. They prefer a bit of steam and a bit of warmth, primarily in the summer months.
Needless to say, you have to try and replicate the environment. One of the best things that you can do is add an electric humidifier in the room.
Or, you can also consider placing a tray with pebbles and water underneath or on the side of the plant. The water is going to evaporate with the passage of time, and will provide much needed humidity for the plant.
As long as you take care of the radiator plant, it is going to reward you with colorful, vibrant foliage. You need to make sure that you do not completely ignore the plant, otherwise it’s only going to die of neglect.
Spend some time in the day checking the water level and make sure you provide adequate lighting to the plant. It’s going to grow wonderfully and you won’t have to worry about discoloration at all!

Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.