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Pothos vs. Ivy (Are They the Same Thing?)

Pothos vs. Ivy (Are They the Same Thing?)

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Buying a pothos plant is going to be appealing to many people. These plants are great to own because they grow easily and they don’t require too much effort to keep alive.

If you’re someone who might forget to water the plants every so often, a pothos plant could be right for you. It’s a very forgiving plant that can be perfect for your home.

It’s also nice that pothos plants are so pretty. They’ll add to the aesthetic appeal of any room that you place them in.

You might think that pothos plants look very similar to ivy plants. Is a pothos plant a type of ivy or is there a significant difference between the two?

Continue reading to learn about pothos plants and what they are. You’ll have a better understanding of the pothos vs. ivy conversation once you’re finished reading.

Is Pothos an Ivy?

Pothos plants are not technically ivy plants

There are many similarities between pothos plants and ivy plants. It’s easy to see why people think pothos plants might be the same as ivy plants.

However, pothos plants aren’t technically ivy plants. These two types of plants come from different plant families.

The genus of pothos plants is known as Epipremnum. Plants that belong to this genus are evergreen perennial vines that are part of the Araceae family.

Ivy plants belong to the Hedera genus. They’re a type of evergreen woody vine that belongs to the Araliaceae family.

Both of these plants are evergreen vines, and they look like they could belong to the same plant family in some ways. Even if they are distinct plants that come from different plant families, it’s still understandable why people might mistake one for the other if they don’t have a lot of prior knowledge.

Is Devil’s Ivy Pothos?

Pothos plants are often sold as devil's ivy plants

One of the biggest reasons why people think that pothos plants and ivy plants are the same involves devil’s ivy plants. You see, pothos plants are often sold as devil’s ivy plants.

When you search for ivy plants online, you’ll often have devil’s ivy plants come up in the search results. The same is true when you search for pothos plants.

Pothos plants are the same as devil’s ivy plants. Devil’s ivy plants aren’t technically a type of ivy plant at all.

These plants are simply marketed and sold as devil’s ivy. It’s a more common name that people associate with pothos plants.

Why Are Pothos Called Devil’s Ivy?

There are a few reasons why pothos plants are referred to as devil’s ivy. One is that these plants are very similar to ivy plants.

When you look at a pothos plant, it’s easy to see why people would think that it would be a type of ivy plant. Even if it does belong to a different plant family, the similarities are undeniable.

The plant is a type of trailing evergreen vine plant. When people think of vine plants they think of ivy first.

The “devil” part of the name has to do with how hardy the plant is. Devil’s ivy is a plant that is very tough to kill.

Earlier, you heard that these are fantastic plants for beginners. It’s hard to kill them even if you forget to water them for a while.

Some people call pothos plants devil’s ivy because of how hard they are to kill. The name also has to do with the plants being able to remain green even when kept in the dark.

Pothos Plants Can Live for a Long Time

If you do a good job caring for pothos plants, they can be kept alive for a very long time. Keeping these plants indoors will make it easy to help them thrive.

Many people have kept pothos plants alive for ten years or slightly longer. You simply have to meet the basic care requirements of the plant.

This means trying to water the plant as often as you’re supposed to. These are hardy plants, and that means they won’t die if you don’t water them on the most consistent schedule.

The average lifespan of this plant is between five and ten years. So you can expect the plant to last for at least five years even if you’re not the best at caring for houseplants.

How Often Should You Water a Pothos Plant?

Even though this plant is hardy, it’s still best to water it when it needs to be watered. You don’t want to water the plant too much, though.

Overwatering a plant is just as dangerous (sometimes more dangerous) than not watering it enough. Too much water can lead to issues with root rot, after all.

Typically, pothos plants will need to be watered once every two weeks. However, it’s best to check the soil to see if the plant is ready to be watered.

You need to allow the soil to dry out between watering sessions. Touch the soil with your fingers to see if it’s time to water it or not.

If the soil is still moist, give it a bit more time. Keep this in mind and you’ll never have a hard time keeping the plant healthy.

Can Pothos Plants Climb?

Much like ivy plants, you can make pothos plants climb if you’re interested In doing that. It’s common for people to use pothos plants as climbing plants in their homes.

The easiest way to accomplish this is to use a trellis. You can attach the plant to a trellis and make it grow up the trellis.

These plants will also look nice as hanging plants. It just depends on what you want to do with them.

Either way, pothos plants will look great in your home. They can be great additions to any room you wish to place them in.

Final Thoughts

Now you know that pothos plants are not technically the same as ivy plants. Despite this, pothos plants are still commonly sold under the “devil’s ivy” name.

These are great houseplants that many people are going to love. One of the reasons why they’re called devil’s ivy plants is that they’re so hard to kill.

If you’re interested in buying one of these plants, they’re commonly sold at garden centers and nurseries. You can also buy them online.

Enjoy caring for your pothos plant if you choose to buy one. Ivy plants can also be great if you want to own a climbing plant.

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