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Spider Plant Care Outdoors (Important Tips for Healthy Growth)

Spider Plant Care Outdoors (Important Tips for Healthy Growth)

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Spider plants are pretty commonly used as houseplants. However, it’s also possible to put these plants outdoors in your garden area.

The overall look of spider plants will make them perfect for certain types of gardens. You might think that planting some spider plants outdoors will be great for your home, but you could be worried about caring for them outside.

If you’re used to caring for indoor spider plants, then you could be concerned about whether you’ll encounter problems when planting them outdoors. Luckily, there are some things that you can do to help the plants do well in this environment.

Keep reading to learn about important tips that will help you to care for spider plants outdoors. You should have a much easier time finding success when you take the time to read these tips.

Watering Tips

When spider plants are young, their going to need very moist soil

Watering is something that you’re going to want to get right so that the spider plants can thrive. This is going to be true whether you’re growing the plants indoors or outdoors.

When these plants are young and still establishing themselves, they’re going to need very moist soil. It’s going to be wise to check your spider plant often to see how it’s doing so that you can water it if necessary.

Reach down and touch the soil to see what its condition is. When the top inch of the soil is dry, it’s going to be time to water the plant.

Watering the spider plants that you’re keeping outdoors once each week is usually good, but it’s best to check the soil to ensure that you’re not going overboard. Remember that too much water can be just as bad or worse than not watering plants enough.

Since you’re caring for the plants outdoors now, it’s also going to be necessary to take rainfall into consideration. Try to be mindful of what you’re doing so that you don’t make mistakes and put the plant in danger.

You also need to think about the type of water that you’re using to water your spider plants. Rainwater will be just fine for the plants, but the water that you’re using when watering the plants yourself will need to be scrutinized.

You see, spider plants are sensitive to the chemicals contained in tap water. They can suffer when you water them with tap water that contains fluoride, chlorine, and other impurities.

The remedy to this is to go out and buy distilled or filtered water that you can use to water your plants. Buying a filter for your tap is another option to consider.

Some people simply allow the tap water to sit out for 24 hours before using it to water any plants. Chemicals such as chlorine will dissipate when left out in the open air for this period of time.

As long as you know to keep this in mind, it should be easy to get good results when watering your spider plants. Once the spider plants have been established, you won’t have to water them as often, but you should keep the soil moist during the first year for sure.

Consider the Soil

Prepare the soil ahead of time before you plant your spider plant outdoors

Getting the soil right will also give your spider plants the best chance of success outdoors. It might be best to prepare the soil ahead of time when planting them in the ground.

Spider plants do best when you give them well-draining soil. The soil should also be slightly acidic so that the spider plants can grow well.

You can prepare the soil and raise the acidity level a bit by adding certain things to it. The soil doesn’t need to be overly acidic, but going a bit above neutral is recommended.

When you have the right soil, it’s going to be easier for the spider plants to drain and avoid watering issues. You’ll be less likely to accidentally kill or harm your plant due to overwatering when you have good soil like this.

You still need to be careful, but the right soil helps a lot. Take the time to prepare it since it can make a difference.

Sunlight Requirements

You’re going to need to be careful about the sun when planting spider plants outdoors. If you put these plants in full sun then they’re going to get burned by the sun pretty badly.

The ideal position for these plants will be somewhere that they can enjoy filtered sunlight. These plants can also grow in partial shade if it’s more convenient for you to find a spot like that in your yard.

Just try to be careful about how much direct sunlight they’re getting. Even too much afternoon sun could cause you to encounter problems with the plants.

Use Fertilizer Sparingly

Fertilizer might be good for your spider plants, but you have to use it sparingly. Going overboard with fertilizer will lead to the plants having significant issues.

Experts recommend using a typical 10-10-10 fertilizer for these plants. You might be able to get away with using the fertilizer once per month, but many people prefer giving spider plants fertilizer on a bi-monthly basis.

You don’t necessarily have to use fertilizer to grow spider plants outside, though. If you’re worried about messing up, then you could just err on the side of caution and forego using fertilizer.

It is pretty easy to use fertilizer, though, and you just need to remember not to use it too often. As long as you follow the basic instructions that come with the fertilizer, everything should be fine.

Treat the Plants for Pests

Pests can be a real problem for your spider plants when you keep them outdoors. Outdoor spider plants will have to deal with pests such as spider mites, aphids, scales, and whiteflies.

These plants might be even more prone to getting attacked by these bugs than many of the other plants in your garden. It can be a bit of a nuisance, but you can protect the spider plants by using insecticidal soaps.

Cleaning the plant with an insecticidal soap every so often will get rid of any bugs that might be bothering it. It can also provide the plant with a bit of protection for a period of time.

Some people go ahead and treat spider plants with insecticidal products right away to keep bugs at bay. You can do this if you want, but there are some other protective measures you could try as well.

For example, some people choose to treat the plants with neem oil since it has properties that keep many bugs from getting near plants. Just be aware of the potential for bugs to be a problem so that you can take steps to protect your plants.

Watch Out for Cold Weather

Sadly, spider plants will not tolerate cold weather well at all. This means that even if you choose to plant your spider plants outdoors, they aren’t going to survive the winter out there.

Most people will choose to dig up their spider plants so that they can keep them in pots during the winter. This allows you to get them out of the cold so that they can stay protected during the coldest parts of the year.

Of course, this might limit the practicality of planting spider plants outside at all. If you’re only able to keep the spider plants outside during certain parts of the year, then is it really a good idea to put them in the ground?

That’s up to you to decide, and it’s important to note that spider plants can stay outside in areas of the world where it doesn’t get that cold during the winter. Some parts of North America are fine for spider plants outdoors, but in many places, the plants just won’t survive winter cold snaps.

You can choose to plant them as annuals in cooler climates, but they can survive as perennials in warmer climates. If you live somewhere that is in USDA zones 9 to 11, then you’ll be able to plant spider plants as perennials.

Final Thoughts

Spider plants are great and they can be a lot of fun to take care of. You might be more likely to want to take care of spider plants indoors than outdoors depending on where you live, though.

Those who live in warmer environments where things are humid will be able to have a good experience caring for spider plants outdoors. You can still plant spider plants outdoors when living in cooler climates, but you’ll be planting them as annuals instead of perennials.

There are good ways that you can use spider plants outdoors that will make putting them in your garden areas an appealing option. Many people like using them as ground cover in the southern portions of the United States.

They also make very appealing border plants that can be placed around trees. The overall look of these plants makes them great for many different things, and they might be a good fit for your yard depending on what you wish to do.

Enjoy your spider plans whether you’re planting them indoors or outdoors. As long as you keep all of these tips in mind, it should be easy to get good results.

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MJ Harrison

Thursday 15th of June 2023

I live South Central Texas, San Antonio. Discovered spider plants growing at a corner of and next to house, upon return from vacatio. About 3 feet is maxumum length it takes up. And rarely more then 1 plant I expected it to die. That was about 8 years ago. It (now they) stays where it gets the least amount of direct sunlight, and cold protection. Watering is spotty due to drought restrictions. They are happy. It even survived the few heavy snows. My question is what is life span. I am curious. Until this article, I didnt know spider plants could be grown outdoors.