Sometimes you only have enough space for container gardening when you live in an apartment. However, did you know container gardening also comes with its perks?
When keeping crops in containers, you can tailor-fit each pot to the plant’s needs. Moreover, you can move the pots around to give your plants the most sunlight.
Get ready because today, I’ll discuss the art of container gardening to help you choose the right pots for your plants!
Factors to Consider When Choosing Pots for Your Plants
Here are some factors you must consider when choosing which container to use.
- Size and Depth
The size and depth of the container are factors you should always pay attention to. This is because plants have different needs when it comes to growing space.
In general, vegetables need eight to ten gallons of growing media. Flowering plants can thrive with four to six gallons, while small herbs only need one to three gallons.
Root crops like potatoes need pots at least three feet deep to grow. Meanwhile, even though they grow in shallow soil, you should consider how far apart to space vegetables like lettuce.
Remember, restricting a plant’s roots can have effects on its growth. Always research a plant’s size and depth requirements to ensure it stays happy and healthy!
- Material
Plant pots come in different materials, each with its advantages and disadvantages.
For instance, coconut peat pots may repel insects and encourage root growth. Yet, its porosity makes the soil dry out faster than plastic pots.
When choosing the best material for your container, pay attention to water retention, insulation, and climate. It’s best to pick pots that protect your plant’s root system based on the growing conditions.
- Drainage Holes
Drainage is a key to successful container gardening.
It’s critical to choose a container with proper drainage to avoid moisture-related plant diseases. Proper drainage holes allow excess fertilizer and salts to wash out.
If your container has no drainage, you should drill holes or consider double-potting.
You may also raise the pot on bricks or line the bottom with rocks and gravel to allow water to escape.
- Sustainability and Longevity
Finally, you should think about the material’s sustainability and long-term use.
Some gardeners may buy cheap grow bags for their vegetables. However, these containers can easily get damaged or weathered down.
Instead of this, it’s worth investing in sturdy containers that’ll last for years to come!
Creative Ways to Use Containers
I’m a firm believer that with enough creativity, you can turn anything into a plant pot. These are some ideas for using containers around your apartment!
- Upcycle Food Containers: If you happen upon a food container that’s too pretty to throw out, you can reuse it for growing plants instead. I’ve used yogurt cups, ice cream cups, and even egg trays as makeshift plant pots.
- Thrift Ceramics: Your nearest thrift store has a wide selection of mugs, teacups, and vases that can work as plant pots. All you have to do is drill holes at the bottom to make an aesthetic container!
- Grow Hanging Gardens: In case you don’t have enough floor area in your apartment, go with vertical height. You can use hanging pots or wall planters to make the most out of your living space.
- Try Miniature Containers: Even the smallest containers can become useful. Growing a miniature garden on your windowsill is a fun way to appreciate the beauty of nature!
Final Thoughts
Container gardening allows you to grow various fruits and vegetables in a small apartment. That said, you should always consider a pot’s size, depth, material, and sustainability to help your plants thrive.
If you want to learn more about container gardening and choosing pots for your plants, don’t hesitate to visit our website!

Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.