Yucca plants are known for their striking appearance and ability to survive under low-maintenance care. If you’ve got one of your own, you may want to know what to feed a yucca plant to give it the proper nutrition.
Organic fertilizers are the top choice for feeding your yucca plant because they provide essential nutrients without the risk of nutrient burn or leaching.
In this article, we’ll talk about the nutrients your yucca plant’s needs and how these can be met through feeding. We’ll also explore ways to know if you’re feeding your yucca plant right and giving it the best care.
What Nutrients Do Yucca Plants Need?
Yucca plants, like all plants, need a balance of macronutrients and micronutrients to flourish, with an emphasis on low levels of nitrogen. Here are the nutrients your yucca plant should get in sufficient quantities.
Macronutrients are the primary nutrients all plants need in greater amounts than micronutrients.
These are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)—a trio of nutrients usually referred to as NPK.
For yuccas, specifically, a diet that’s high in phosphorus and potassium but low in nitrogen is recommended.
Yucca plants have adapted to thrive in nutrient-poor soils, which typically have low nitrogen. Nitrogen promotes vegetative growth, but too much of it can cause yucca plants to grow an excessive amount of foliage.
Too much nitrogen can make yuccas skinny, weak, and more susceptible to damage as well. So when shopping for fertilizers, focus on loading up with phosphorus and potassium, while keeping the nitrogen levels low.
Micronutrients are also essential for maintaining your yucca plant’s health and appearance.
Some micronutrients that yucca plants need include iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S).
When choosing a fertilizer, check if it has these nutrients in the mix.
However, it’s important to remember that over-fertilizing can cause damage and even death for your plant.
What Should You Feed Your Yucca Plant?
Organic fertilizers are an excellent option for feeding your yucca plant. They come from natural sources and release nutrients slowly over time as they break down in the soil.
Slow-release nutrients help ensure that plants receive a steady supply of nutrients without the risk of nutrient burn or leaching. They also improve soil structure and help retain moisture in the soil.
We’ve compiled a list of popular organic fertilizers that are beneficial to your yucca plant.
Seaweed Extract
Seaweed extract is a type of organic fertilizer that’s derived from seaweed or kelp. They’re a great fertilizer option for your yucca plants for several reasons.
First, they contain a range of essential nutrients, including nitrogen, magnesium, potassium, and more, which yucca plants need to grow and thrive.
Second, they provide other benefits beyond plant nutrition. For example, they promote bacterial activity in the soil, which improves nutrient intake in the roots.
Additionally, seaweed extract can help enhance your yucca plant’s resistance to stress and diseases.
However, when using this type of fertilizer, remember to do so in moderation. You should also follow the manufacturer’s instructions on a proper application to avoid over-fertilization or nutrient imbalances.
Bone Meal
A bone meal is a finely ground powder made from crushed animal bones. They’re good for your yucca plant because they contain high phosphorus and low nitrogen.
Some even recommend bone meals to encourage flower growth in their yucca plants.
If you’re using this organic fertilizer, you should get your soil tested first. The effectiveness of bone meal drops when used in soil with a pH level higher than seven, so ensure your soil’s pH level is below seven before adding bone meal.
Composts are also good plant food for yuccas because they contain the three aforementioned macronutrients.
However, there are things to keep in mind when adding compost to your yucca plant’s soil, whether you’re planting indoors or outdoors.
As a desert plant, yuccas thrive in drier and grittier soils. So your soil should be well-draining.
Most gardeners recommend using John Innes compost mixed with sand and pebbles for better drainage.
Epsom Salt
Epsom salt, or magnesium sulfate, is a popular soil amendment that can be used as a fertilizer. It’s a chemical compound containing magnesium and sulfur—nutrients your plants need.
When used as a fertilizer, it’s typically mixed with water. It’s then applied to the soil around the base of the plant.
However, like the other organic fertilizers on this list, too much of this can be harmful. It’s always good to thoroughly research the fertilizer you’re using and how much you should use for your specific plant and soil conditions.
Are Coffee Grounds Good for Yucca Plants?
Yes, coffee grounds can be a nutritious food to add to the soil around yucca plants because they’re a natural source of nitrogen.
However, use coffee grounds sparingly because too much can make the soil too acidic. You can try mixing it with other organic materials to create a well-balanced soil amendment.
Used coffee grounds are also better for your plant, as fresh coffee grounds contain high levels of acid and caffeine that are harmful to your plant.
When Should You Feed Your Yucca Plant?
Yucca plants should be fed during their growing season, which is in the spring and summer months. It’s best to feed your plant when it starts to show new growth too, then continue to feed them once a month until the growing season ends.
It’s a good idea to water your plant before and after feeding to help distribute the nutrients evenly in the soil.
You don’t need to feed your yucca plant often either. Avoid giving it fertilizer during winter months and water it less often during this time.
A good suggestion is watering it once every 20 days during winter while watering once a week during spring and summer.
What Are the Signs of Nutrient Deficiency in Your Yucca Plant?
Either overfeeding or underfeeding can cause nutrient deficiency in your yucca plant.
It may sound counter-productive, but giving your plant too much fertilizer can lead to nutrient imbalances or toxicities that can harm its ability to absorb nutrients properly.
If you suspect that your plant isn’t getting enough of the nutrients it needs, here are some signs to look out for.
Yellowing Leaves
When the older leaves on your yucca plant are turning yellow, this could be a sign of a nitrogen deficiency. This lack of nitrogen can be caused by not giving your plant enough food.
However, this could also be a sign that you’ve over-fertilized your plant. To get a better idea of why your plant’s leaves are turning yellow, think about how you’ve been feeding it lately.
If you haven’t given your plant any fertilizers, your plant probably needs more nitrogen. On the other hand, if you’ve been loading up on plant food, or feeding your plant during the wrong season, it might be time to cut back on the fertilizer.
Stunted Growth
Observe the new foliage on your plant. If it’s growing too slowly, then it’s a sign you might be overfeeding or underfeeding.
Stunted growth may be because of a lack of phosphorus in your plant.
Low phosphorus can happen either by underfeeding or overfeeding. Overfeeding can lead to salt and mineral build-up in the soil.
This inhibits your plant’s ability to absorb water and nutrients.
Dead or Dying Leaves
Potassium deficiency in yucca plants can cause the leaves to brown, curl, or die. This is because potassium helps with water uptake and retention, and the lack of this nutrient can lead to dehydration.
To avoid potassium deficiency, don’t give too much food to your plant or feed it during the winter months, or try giving your plant potassium-rich fertilizers in the spring or summer.
Final Thoughts
Feeding a yucca plant is simple, but you need a basic understanding of the plant’s nutritional needs to do so better. By providing a balanced mix of macronutrients and micronutrients, you can help your plant grow and thrive.
Remember to fertilize your yucca plant once every month during the growing season and adjust your fertilization routine when you see signs of nutrient deficiency.
With proper care and nutrition, your yucca plant will be a beautiful addition to your home or garden for many years to come!

Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.