Monstera plants are stunning plants that grow in the tropical regions of Central and South America. They have thick, glossy leaves that resemble a rattan vine or palm tree trunk, and they produce large creamy white flowers that grow to be 8-12 inches in length.
If you’re looking for an exotic plant to add some flair to your home, it may seem surprising that Monstera plants can cost as much as $100! But these high costs don’t just come from their rarity—many factors at play affect Monstera prices.
If you’re considering adding one of these gorgeous plants to your garden or home interior design, you may ask yourself “why are Monstera plants so expensive?”
Keep reading to know why this split-leaf philodendron comes with a high price tag (and how much it should actually cost).
Why Are Monstera Plants So Expensive?
The Monstera plant is a tropical plant that requires warm temperatures and humidity. That said, a temperature range of 65-85°F is considered ideal.
Even though Monsteras can endure temperatures as low as 50°F, the cold will stunt their development. You’ll typically see this plant species grown in greenhouses or conservatories, which can be expensive to maintain.
Monstera plants are generally not found in local nurseries, so you’ll have to order one online or find a specialty shop where they sell them. These can also be pricey! However, several more factors affect the price of a monstera.
What Affects the Price of a Monstera Plant?
Monstera plants are expensive because of the number of variables that can affect the price. Let’s take a look at some examples!
1 – Scarcity
Monstera plants are rare and difficult to grow, which is why you can’t find them at your local discount store or grocery store.
The plant itself isn’t that hard to care for. However, it can take years before a Monstera leaf grows large enough to look like the traditional shape most people associate it with.
Because of this, many people choose not to take care of Monstera plants because they don’t want to wait around for years before they see any results. In addition, there aren’t many varieties available on the market today that will make for an attractive purchase option.
This makes them even more desirable among those who do grow these exotic beauties indoors!
2 – Size
The size of the Monstera you purchase can also be a factor in its cost. Larger plants are far more expensive than smaller ones. However, size doesn’t always come hand in hand with maturity.
You may find large Monstera varieties for a cheaper price than smaller ones. The rarest and most expensive Monstera variety (Monstera Obliqua), for example, is smaller in size than other larger varieties.
3 – Maturity
The maturing process of Monstera follows the same pattern as other plants. It has a cotyledonary leaf, it germinates and then develops into a seedling that grows leaves and branches.
After this, the plant will enter its juvenile stage where it will grow rapidly, producing new leaves and branches before going through another phase in which growth stops for a while.
Monstera plants can be grown from seeds or cuttings. Cuttings are the most common way to propagate Monstera plants because they’re quick and easy.
However, there’s also an advantage to growing your own from seed: you know exactly what you’re getting! You can choose whether or not you want male or female plants (or both).
As you can see, a Monstera requires time, effort, and resources to grow and mature. All of these variables certainly add to a Monstera’s price tag!
As a result, older Monsteras are usually more costly than younger ones. This is also true for other plants!
4 – Variety
Like any other plant in the world, Monsteras have cheap and expensive varieties. Take the common Deliciosa or the Adansonii, for example. These guys can cost you anywhere from $35 to $60.
A rarer variety, on the other hand, can be super pricey. For example, a single Acuminata or an Obliqua might cost thousands of dollars!
5 – Variegation
The variegation of Monstera is caused by a genetic mutation. This can be caused by the environment, such as sunlight, or the plant’s age.
It can also be affected by the health and genetic makeup of a Monstera plant. If you’ve ever encountered a Monstera with white or cream-colored leaves, it might be variegated!
Another phenomenon is when a portion of a Monstera leaf becomes white but keeps its dark green outline. You may have also come across what’s called an albino Monstera; the leaves on this one are all white.
All of these variegated plants cost much more than their green counterparts. This is because they’re more difficult to propagate and maintain.
6 – Location and Shipping Costs
Another factor that can affect the price of a monstera plant is shipping costs and your location. Since this houseplant is grown in places like Costa Rica, shipments have to be transported over long distances.
The more remote the area where you live, the more expensive it will be for you to get a monstera plant delivered by mail. If you live in a major city that’s near a mail route, then shipping may be cheaper because there’ll be less distance involved.
How Much Do Monsteras Typically Cost?
Monstera plants are one of the most expensive houseplants you can buy. While they’re not as expensive as some other advanced, high-maintenance plants like orchids or cactuses, they still cost more than many other common houseplants.
As with any other plant, the price of a Monstera depends on the variety, size, and age of your plant. It also varies depending on where you live in the world.
Typically, they range in price from $5 to $5000. For example, you can get your hands on a Monstera deliciosa for $30–$60.
It’s important to note, however, that these are standard prices for mature specimens and not young ones, which may be considerably cheaper.
Which Monstera Types Cost More or Less than Others?
As previously mentioned, the price of a Monstera is determined by its size and maturity. However, another major aspect that influences the price is the variation you choose.
Of course, there are always affordable variations you can start with.
The Cheapest: Monstera Deliciosa
The Monstera Deliciosa is the most popular kind of monstera, with prices ranging from $20 to $100 per plant. This is because it’s considered the easiest to maintain and care for.
It has bright green-colored stems and glossy leaves that grow to be 10 to 15 feet. Throughout the summer months, it flowers with clusters of small white blossoms at the end of new growths.
The Priciest: Monstera Obliqua
This one-of-a-kind plant is one of the eight most expensive houseplants. The Obliqua has tiny leaves with big holes in them. More often than not, it’s regarded as having “more holes than leaf.”
Because of its unique, aesthetically-pleasing appearance, the Obliqua is a highly desired plant. One of these guys was even sold for $23,000!
How to Get a Cheap Monstera Plant
If you’re on a budget and want to bring home a monstera plant, here are some ways to save money:
- Go to your local nursery or garden center. You may be surprised at how affordable they are when compared with buying them online.
- Search for sales or coupons in your area. You can also look for used plants on eBay and Craigslist.
- Don’t buy overpriced ones that are sold in boutiques or other high-end stores.
Final Thoughts
So, why are Monstera plants so expensive? Well, it’s complicated.
A lot of factors go into the cost of a plant, from how much work someone has put into growing them to how much they weigh when they’re shipped to your door.
But if you know what kinds of things affect pricing (like size, rarity, and other distinguishing characteristics), you can take steps towards getting that Monstera on the cheap!
Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.