Daisies are very popular plants because of how easy they are to take care of. Some people have referred to them as “indestructible” because it generally isn’t easy to kill them.
Novice gardeners will typically have a good time caring for daisies since they’re quite forgiving. However, you shouldn’t truly believe that they are indestructible.
There are actually quite a few things that could kill daisies. If yours are showing troubling signs and you’re worried that they might be dying, then you’re probably wondering what’s wrong.
Below, you’ll be able to find information about things that could cause them to die. Knowing what might be wrong could help you to turn things around and save them.
1 – Pests

Of course, pests could be the cause of what’s going on with your daisies. If they appear to be in poor condition, then one of the first things you’ll suspect is that pests could be involved.
Daisies can potentially have problems with many different common garden pests. Aphids often feed on plants and cause issues such as leaf curling and yellowing.
If enough aphids are bothering your daisies, it’s possible that they could die. Other pests could be to blame as well, though.
You could be dealing with mites, leafminers, thrips, and whiteflies. All of these pests pose a danger to your daisies.
You’ll want to do your best to try to protect your garden from pests. Some people choose to use insecticides to kill bugs, but you might not wish to do this since it could also kill beneficial insects.
In some cases, you might have to remove leaves that are infested badly with pests. Hopefully, you’ll be able to catch things early enough so that you can save the daisies.
2 – Diseases
Diseases could potentially kill daisies, too. There are a number of different fungal diseases that they might have to deal with.
Common diseases to look out for include acremonium wilt, cottony rot fungus, root rot fungus, leaf spot fungus, and bacterial fasciation. Often, these diseases will come about due to the daisies being exposed to too much moisture.
If you’re watering the daisies too much, then you might be creating an environment where fungal diseases can thrive. Also, soil that doesn’t drain well is going to exacerbate watering mistakes.
It might not be possible to save the daisies depending on what disease you’re dealing with and how fast you caught things. Many types of rot will kill a plant if ignored for too long.
3 – Watering Issues

You know that plants need water to survive, and it makes sense that daisies will die if you don’t water them properly. Generally, daisies are going to need to receive around one or two inches of rainfall each week during the summer months.
If it’s very hot out and you aren’t watering the plants enough, then you might see the daisies will start wilting. In this situation, they’re likely wilting because they need more water.
You can probably turn things around by simply giving them an adequate amount of water. Try to pay more attention to them so that you can water them on time and they won’t start to wilt again.
During the spring and autumn months, daisies won’t require as much water. You’ll only need to give them one or two inches of water every other week.
Of course, if you don’t pay attention and you keep forgetting to water them, they can die at any point of the year. They won’t die right away, but you could ignore them too much and cause them to die due to a lack of water.
If you have the daisies positioned somewhere outside that allows them to receive rainwater, then things might be fine. However, you’ll need to be careful to water them a bit yourself if there isn’t an adequate amount of rainfall.
4 – Sunlight Issues
Sunlight issues can cause your daisies to have problems as well. Your daisies are going to need a lot of sun to thrive, and this means that you don’t want to plant them in a shady spot.
If you chose a spot in your garden that is too shady, then your daisies might not look so hot. You might notice that they will appear to be wilted if they aren’t getting enough sunshine.
Most types of daisies should receive approximately six hours of full sun each day. This can differ somewhat depending on what types you have, though.
It’s also notable that the climate can play a role in how much sun they should receive. If you’re growing them in a very hot and dry climate, then it might be better to plant them in partial shade.
When it’s very hot outside, the daisies might look a bit wilted due to the extreme heat. During very hot and sunny days, they might need a bit more water than usual to get by.
If things are too hot and you aren’t watering your plant enough, then it will die. Pay attention to whether they are looking wilted or not.
5 – Soil Problems
It’s possible that you might have problems with the soil if you’re experiencing issues with your daisies. Some types of daisies have a really tough time when they’re planted in dense soil that doesn’t drain well.
For instance, you might have clay soil that won’t be good for them. You’re going to want some type of sandy soil that drains fast so that you don’t cause them to get root rot.
Root rot occurs when plants wind up sitting in water for too long. If the soil isn’t draining properly, then the plant is going to rot.
You might notice that the roots of the daisies will become black and mushy. This is not good and it’s something that you can avoid by watering them properly and ensuring that they’re planted in good soil.
Before planting daisies, you’ll want to ensure that they have soil that is well suited to their needs. Many daisies will do excellently in well-draining soil that’s a bit sandy.
There might be some differences in soil requirements depending on the type of daisy that you’re trying to grow. Be sure to check specifics about the type that you have if you wish to know more.
Final Thoughts
Now you know that there are a number of different things that can kill daisies. Overall, daisies are pretty easy to care for, but they aren’t truly indestructible.
You need to look out for issues such as pests and plant diseases in order to keep them safe. Take safety precautions to try to keep pests and bay so that you can have a good experience.
It’s also possible that daisies could die due to watering issues. Sometimes watering too much or too little will cause it to experience extreme problems.
If you aren’t watering your plant enough, it might look wilted. You can easily turn things around by changing your watering habits, but you can kill the plant through extreme negligence.
Sunlight issues could cause the plant to die as well. Most daisies need a lot of sunlight to thrive, but you do need to be careful about really hot temperatures in certain parts of the world.
The daisies will also do best when you put them in soil that suits their needs. Be mindful of the type of soil that you’re using so you can help them to thrive.

Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.