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Why Are My Roses Drooping? (5 Possible Causes)

Why Are My Roses Drooping? (5 Possible Causes)

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Few plants are as popular as the rose. The rose has long been regarded as a symbol of love and has been used in bouquets for thousands of years.

However, while it may be all too common in the gifting business, you should know that growing roses is by no means an easy task. The plant requires a considerable amount of care, and if you don’t, it won’t be long before the plant succumbs to issues.

One of the most common things to happen to the rose is when the plant suddenly begins to droop. Flowers that were not cut properly at the time of harvest or when the bouquet was undergoing assembly are likely to go limp very quickly.

However, many people report that their roses start to droop even when they are planted in the ground. There’s actually a pretty simple explanation for this.

But, before we talk about the reasons why the plant is drooping, it’s important to understand that drooping or wilted roses clearly indicate that the plant is in distress.

Also, before you get to work on your rose plant, it’s important for you to wear gloves and a shirt with longer sleeves. Rubber gloves are a wise idea because the rose bush is quite thorny.

You will end up with scratches and thorns in your arms if you are not careful. Now, here are some of the many reasons why your roses will start to droop.

1 – Shock During Transplant

If you recently transplanted the roses in the ground or moved them from one pot to another before it started going limp, it’s a pretty clear sign that your plant is suffering from transplant shock.

This is a common issue that occurs when the plant is unable to take up water or access the nutrients that it needs because the roots sustain damage when it is being transplanted.

To avoid any kind of damage to your roses during the transplantation, it is highly recommended that you only move them when the roses are dormant.

Before you plant your new rose bush, it is also important that you water it as thoroughly as possible. This is important because the plant will then have an adequate amount of time to store the water that it needs while it is being transplanted.

If the roses sustain damage during transplant, just give it a few days. It will recover as long as all other growing conditions are met.

2 – Lack of Water

Roses may wilt with lack of water

Keep in mind that the rose plant requires a lot of water. In fact, the rose bush needs a minimum of one inch of water in a week. During the summer months, the water requirements increase even more.

Once the rose bush has established itself in the ground, you will only have to water the plant at least once or maybe two times a week.

The rose bush has incredibly deep roots, so they need lots of water. You have to make sure that the plant gets enough water so that it is able to penetrate deep into the soil and reach the rose bush.

3 – Excessive Water

Roses may wilt with excessive water

Overwatering is another major problem and can cause the rose bush to droop. If you have planted the rose bush in a soil with relatively poor drainage, the plant is likely to suffer from stress.

This occurs because the excess water drowns out the roots, thus rendering it incapable of drawing up the oxygen from the roots. It’s a common problem and your rose bush will start to droop.

Remember, the rose bush prefers well-drained soil. You have to be incredibly particular about the quality of soil in which you plant your roses. If the soil is waterlogged, your plant will die.

Furthermore, drowning is just one of the many problems that occur due to overwatering. The water in the roots will cause the leaves to turn yellow, and they will eventually start to wilt.

With the passage of time, the plant will succumb to root rot as well, and this will ultimately cause the plant to die. Root rot occurs when the plant’s roots are kept in water for too long.

A fungal infection starts to develop and ultimately, the plant dies altogether.

4 – Lack of Sunlight

Roses may wilt with lack of sunlight

One of the conditions for growing the rose bush is the requirement of sunlight. The rose plant grows really well in full sun, so you will have to plant it in an area that receives at least six to eight hours of sun on a consistent basis.

If the plant does not get enough light, it simply won’t flower. If the amount of sunlight is well below the required amount, the roses will begin to droop.

You will have to move the plant into an area that receives more sunlight if you want your rose bush to bloom and perk up again.

5 – Diseases and Pests

There are a whole host of different diseases and pests that can attack your rose bush. If you do not check your plant on a regular basis, it won’t take long before mites and other pests start eating through your plant. Diseases are also a serious problem that you have to worry about.

It’s vitally important that you check your rose plant on a daily basis and if you notice any pests, you should take action right away. Thankfully, there are a whole host of different insecticides available in the market that you can use to get rid of these pests.

But, you should know that there are certain pests and diseases that are simply too strong, and the best thing to do in this regard is to remove the damaged parts and then plant it again.

For instance, you have to worry about cankers. Cankers is a fungal infection that exhibits itself through brown areas that appear on the rose stems.

If you notice any cankers on the stems of your rose bush, it’s important that you cut it off right away, and then use a high-end fungicide for treating the entire plant.

More importantly, you should always remember to sanitize your pruning shears with disinfectant. Cankers generally multiply using this method, so it’s important that you take action.

Another common problem that you have to worry about is aphids. Aphids are tiny insects that like to eat the new growth, especially flower buds and the leaves.

If you do not treat the aphids quickly, they are going to cause your plant to wilt and the flowers will also get deformed.

To get rid of the aphids on your roses, it is important that you shake the plant to get rid of them. The best method that you can use is to make use of a spray hose and then clean the plant.

Another thing that you can do is introduce a few lady beetles into the mix. The lady beetles tend to feed on aphids, so that could help resolve the issue as well.

These are just some of the many reasons why your rose plant might begin to droop. Obviously, taking care of all of these problems is not going to be easy, so it’s best to handle them one by one and figure out which one was affecting your plant.

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