I often recommend ZZ plants to my flower-loving friends because of their hardy nature. They can survive in harsh conditions and even in the hands of a negligent gardener.
Despite that, it’s also often the case that they come to me asking about some issues they experience on their plants. And one typical inquiry is why the leaves of their ZZ plants are turning light green.
There are various reasons for this problem. Poor watering habits, drainage issues, improper positioning, inappropriate environment, and pests are some of the most common causes.
Let me discuss these ZZ plant hitches and how to remedy them below.
5 Reasons ZZ Plant Leaves Turn Light Greenish
Zamiculcas Zamiifolia is indeed a tough houseplant. However, regardless of its robust qualities, it can still wither and turn light green for these reasons:
1 – Incorrect Watering Schedule
A poor watering habit is the most common reason for yellowing ZZ plant leaves. So, if your houseplant starts showing signs of this issue, look at your watering schedule.
Remember, the most vital thing to consider about Zamioculcas Zamiifolia is that it thrives in dry conditions. It can even survive drought in its natural environment.
Overwatering these plants will have harmful effects, such as yellowing leaves or root rot. But underwatering them can cause similar problems as well.
So how often should you water your ZZ plant?
The rule of thumb most gardeners use is to water the ZZ plant once a month. However, during its growing season in Spring and Summer, you should water it at least once every two weeks.
2 – Improper Plant Placement
Another common cause of a yellowing houseplant is improper placement. Like most flowers, ZZ plants need their fair share of sunlight to thrive.
You might have heard that Zamiculca Zamiifolia can survive in low-light conditions. However, these environments won’t necessarily make it thrive or achieve optimal growth.
That said, if you notice greening in your ZZ plant leaves, it might not be receiving enough light.
Zamiculca Zamiifolia grows best in places with bright but indirect sunlight. Indirect is the key here, as putting it under direct sunlight can scorch its leaves.
Try positioning the houseplant near east-facing or west-facing windows. These spots often have the optimal amount of sunlight for your ZZ plant.
3 – Poor Plant Environment
So you’ve taken care of the water and sunlight. But is your prized flora still showing signs of light green or yellow leaves?
You might have an environmental issue on your hands.
Zamiculca Zamiifolia can survive dry, hot, and humid conditions, but too much of these can still kill it. Like most houseplants, there’s a bracket of optimal weather for your ZZ plant.
If your home experiences temperature fluctuations, this can cause the flora to turn light green, too.
For your reference, ZZ plants need an ambient temperature between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit or 18 to 29 degrees Celsius. Too much or too low can cause damage to the flora.
4 – Root Bound Plant
Do you have your ZZ plant for a long time? Did the plant show no signs of issues before but is now exhibiting signs of yellowing despite your meticulous care?
If this is the case, you might have a root-bounded ZZ plant.
Root bounding typically happens on fast-growing or mature plants. It’s the case when the plant starts to outgrow its pot, and the roots begin to crowd the limited space.
Yellowing is a common symptom of root bounded floras. And if not taken care of quickly, the houseplant can suffocate and die.
But don’t worry. Repotting your ZZ plant into a larger pot should fix this hitch.
5 – Pest Infested Plant
Although uncommon, pests can still swarm and harm your ZZ plant. Pests that can infest this houseplant include aphids, spider mites, and fungus gnats.
Aphids are the most damaging as they eat the sap of the foliage, which leaves unsightly yellow marks. Spider mites can also suck the sap that strips the plant of its needed moisture.
You can rid your treasured plant of these pests using pesticides. However, ensure to take careful measures and follow the instructions on the product labels.
Final Thoughts
There’s been a recent trend of homeowners wanting to own Zamioculcas Zamiifolia. However, although they’re hardy, they can still suffer damages from neglect or improper gardening routines.
But with this guide, you can now rid your beloved ZZ plant of its persistent light green leaves. So, be sure to take notes and happy gardening!

Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.