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4 Reasons Your Chinese Evergreen Isn’t Growing

4 Reasons Your Chinese Evergreen Isn’t Growing

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So, you’re scratching your head, wondering why your low-maintenance Chinese Evergreen is in snooze mode. You’re not alone.

We’ve all been there, expecting our leafy companions to shoot up, only to find them struggling to grow.

While the Chinese Evergreen is one of the lowest-maintenance plants out there, sometimes it doesn’t grow as expected or even stops growing altogether. You might be using the right pot, watering regularly, providing enough humidity, and still, your Chinese Evergreen isn’t pushing out new growth.

But don’t give up on your slow-growing Evergreen because there are a few troubleshooting adjustments to get your plant thriving again.

In this post, we’ll go over the possible reasons your Chinese Evergreen isn’t growing. We’ll also mention some tips to make your Chinese Evergreen join the plant party.

Chinese Evergreen Overview

Chinese Evergreen, scientifically known as Aglaonema, is a robust, low-maintenance house plant that’s becoming popular among plant owners. The plant isn’t only popular because of its resilience and tolerance to harsh conditions; it also adds a touch of elegance to every space.

This plant has over 20 cultivars, each boasting unique appearances and features. From the stunning Silver Bay to the lush Green Lady, there’s a Chinese Evergreen for everyone!

If you’re a novice plant owner, you’ve likely heard that the Chinese Evergreen is an ideal choice for beginners. Its strength and resilience make it a hardy plant that can withstand minimal maintenance.

However, like a moody friend who’s usually funny but occasionally mean, Chinese Evergreens can be unpredictable when it comes to growth.

But what’s the culprit? Well, it can be a mix of care practices and environmental factors that may upset your plant.

Common Chinese Evergreen Plant Growth Issues

Chinese Evergreens only need indirect light, well-draining soil, adequate humidity, and moderate watering to grow well. So it’s no surprise your Chinese Evergreen stops growing if you’re not providing these ideal growth conditions.

If you think you’re doing everything right, but you’re still facing problems with your plant, keep reading to understand the most common Chinese Evergreen growth issues.

1 – Incorrect Watering

In general, Chinese Evergreens only require watering once every 5-10 days. These plants prefer the soil to be moist most of the time, but that doesn’t mean they like to sit in water for too long.

Beginners usually think it’s always better to water their plants frequently. But it’s a myth, and that’s why overwatering is a common pitfall in houseplants.

When you overwater your plant, the roots fail to supply oxygen to the rest of the plant, and accordingly, the roots themselves start to rot or die.

Underwatering is a common culprit as well. But wait, aren’t Chinese Evergreen drought-tolerant? Yes, they are, but only to some point.

If your plant isn’t getting enough water, it won’t be able to get the required nutrients and oxygen. This leads to a parched plant, stunting growth, and drooping leaves.

The key is to find the balance between hydration and drought resilience. You have to water your Chinese Evergreen only when the soil’s top layer is completely dry.

Avoid sticking to strict watering schedules; it’s always better to monitor the soil’s state and adjust your watering frequency based on the season.

2 – Improper Lighting Conditions

Chinese Evergreens aren’t needy when it comes to light. They grow best under bright light away from direct sunlight, and that’s because direct sunlight can easily scorch the leaves.

While Chinese Evergreens are notorious for their ability to tolerate low-light conditions, that doesn’t mean you should deprive them of light.

Some Chinese Evergreen owners neglect the light needs of their plants since the Chinese Evergreen tolerates low-light levels. But in fact, some Chinese Evergreen varieties demand more light than usual, and if they don’t get it, their growth stops.

If you place your Chinese Evergreen too far away from windows, it will slow down its growth to conserve energy. Even if your plant survives, it won’t grow bigger.

Be mindful that placing your Chinese Evergreen in direct sunlight won’t solve the problem either because the direct sunlight can scorch the leaves. The ideal solution remains to place your plant in a sweet spot where it gets a moderate amount of indirect sunlight daily.

It’s also a good practice to identify the type of your Chinese Evergreen and understand its specific light requirements, as it may need more hours under light.

3 – Temperature Stress

Are you noticing stunted growth and yellow leaves on your Chinese Evergreen? It can be a clear sign of temperature stress. These tropical beauties aren’t picky when it comes to temperature, and they can handle a variety of climates.

Still, extremely low or high temperatures can upset your Chinese Evergreen and thwart its growth. The ideal temperature for a Chinese Evergreen ranges from 18°C to 24°C. So don’t make the common mistake of guessing your room’s temperature. Why?

Because the temperature varies in each season. Your plant may not grow well when the temperature drops too low in winter.

The same happens in summer when the temperature becomes too high in summer. These temperature fluctuations can significantly slow down your plant’s growth.

The solution? Place your Chinese Evergreen in a cozy spot with a temperature between 18°C and 24°C (use a thermometer to check the room temperature accurately).

Avoid direct sunlight, and place your plant away from frequently opened and closed doors and windows. More importantly, keep your plant away from hot and cold drafts, ACs, and heating sources such as radiators and heaters.

4 – Pest Infestations

Though Chinese Evergreens are strong and resilient, they’re still prone to pest infestations.

Uninvited guests in the form of pests such as mites, aphids, and mealy bugs can easily wreak havoc on your Chinese Evergreen. They do so by feeding on the plant’s sap, disrupting the plant’s nutrient absorption.

If your Chinese Evergreen is infected by pests, you’ll notice stunted growth and drooping yellow leaves. In that case, you need to eliminate the pests as fast as possible, as they populate rapidly and can eventually kill your plant.

Opt for chemical sprays, handpick all the visible bugs, and then wipe the leaves well using an alcohol solution. After that, prune all the infected leaves and damaged plant parts.

To prevent pests from infecting your plant, you should regularly check the plant for any signs of early infestation. Look for any unusual signs, such as white spots, yellow leaves, or silky webs.

If you notice any, address these issues immediately using chemical or natural remedies to help your plant focus on growth rather than fending off pests.

Final Thoughts

There you have it, fellow Chinese Evergreen owners, the most common Chinese Evergreen growth problems and fixes. We know that nurturing your Chinese Evergreen may feel like cracking a botanical code, but in reality, it’s not.

Every setback is an opportunity to grow, right? The same goes for your resilient leafy companion.

Chinese Evergreens are notorious for their strength, resilience, and ability to tolerate a wide range of harsh conditions. Yet, they still face growth problems when they’re not provided with ideal growth conditions. They shift to survival mode, slowing down their growth to conserve energy.

To help your Chinese Evergreen flourish, don’t forget the golden quad of light, temperature, water, and managing pests. By striking the balance between these factors, your Chinese Evergreen will turn into a flourishing masterpiece.

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