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Common Causes of Cyclamen Flowers Turning Yellow

Common Causes of Cyclamen Flowers Turning Yellow

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Cyclamen is a delicate flower plant that brightens your indoor space. What most people don’t know is that it’s a hardy plant that can thrive outdoors as well.

Whether you grow Cyclamen indoors or outdoors, you might notice its leaves turning yellow, but don’t worry! It can be perfectly normal.

Read on for the various reasons why your Cyclamen leaves turn yellow and how to fix them. In addition, this article also tells you why Cyclamen flowers may turn brown.

What Do Cyclamen Leaves Turn Yellow?

Several reasons may cause the leaves of your beautiful Cyclamen to turn yellow but don’t panic. Some of these causes shouldn’t be reasons to worry.

Here are some common causes for your Cyclamen’s yellowed leaves:

1- Dormancy

If you notice the yellowing of your Cyclamen’s leaves during the summer, don’t panic! That’s perfectly normal, as this plant tends to go into a state of dormancy when the weather turns warm and dry.

In other words, the heat of the summer causes the plant to stop flowering and go into a state of complete dormancy. And the first sign of entering this phase is the appearance of yellow leaves.

Your Cyclamen will break its dormancy and turn green with vivid colors again by the beginning of fall. That’s because the weather starts to get cooler and more suitable for the plant to thrive.

2- High Temperature

Ideally, Cyclamen thrives in temperatures between 50℉ and 70℉. If the temperature rises higher than this limit, expect your Cyclamen’s leaves to turn yellow.

The plant chooses to go into forced dormancy in high heat to protect its tuberous roots. If your plant goes into dormancy when it’s not summer yet, place it in a breezy spot away from direct sunlight.

If you keep your plant indoors though, make sure it’s away from any heat source. Placing your Cyclamen near a furnace or a heater may cause such premature dormancy.

3- Overwatering

Overwatering is one of the major causes of the yellowing of Cyclamen’s leaves. Although Cyclamen thrives in moist soil, it doesn’t like soggy environments.

The leaves will turn yellow when the extra water in the soil prevents the roots from absorbing water and nutrients. So, these yellow leaves may be a warning sign that your plant needs immediate help.

If you keep your Cyclamen in a pot, make sure it has drainage holes. That way, you can get rid of any excess water in the soil to keep your plant healthy.

4- Underwatering

When the leaves of the once beautiful Cyclamen turn yellow and crunchy, that’s a tell-tale sign that the plant needs more water. The good news is that underwatering is much easier to recover from than overwatering.

Underwatering may force the plant into a state of premature dormancy. However, this forced slumber may cause the death of the plant if it wasn’t fortunate enough to have sufficient food stored in its stem beforehand.

All you need to do is make sure your plant has an adequate amount of water to thrive. After all, Cyclamen prefer moist and cool conditions.

5- Nutrient Deficiency

Similar to all plant species, Cyclamen requires nutrients to grow. Any deficiency in iron, manganese, or nitrogen may cause the plants to show yellow leaves.

Other symptoms of this condition include lack of vigor and slowed growth. You should keep an eye out for those signs. Otherwise, it’ll get worse, and the leaves will turn brown or purple.

Every nutrient deficiency can show slightly different symptoms. Therefore, if you’re not knowledgeable enough about the matter, seek professional help.

6- Pests

Bugs and mites can be the reason for yellowing leaves. The common pests that may infest Cyclamens include:

  • Mites: Given its tiny size and fast growth, this pest can be hard to detect and control. Mites usually prefer younger plants with soft tissues.
  • Aphids: These bugs dig holes with their piercing mouthparts to suck the fluids off the plants.
  • Thrips: These are common pests that feed on the leaves of Cyclamen. They usually transmit plant viruses and diseases.
  • Mealy bugs: They’re found at the bottom of leaves to suck the life out of the plant cells. They produce a sticky sugary liquid on the leaves, called honeydew.

What to Do When Cyclamen Leaves Turn Yellow?

Fortunately, there are several solutions to undertake when your Cyclamen leaves turn yellow. However, the first step is to diagnose the problem.

Once you know the cause of the yellowing leaves, you’ll know how to fix it. Here are some solutions to try:

1- Water Properly

You should know the best time to water your plant, but when? Although there’s no clear answer to that, you can find out by sticking a finger into the soil. Try to reach deep near the root.

If your finger comes out chalky, it’s time to water your plant. On the other hand, if it catches traces of soggy soil, your plant is overwatered. Simply, put it in a porous pot with drier soil.

2- Care for Dormant Cyclamen

Plants’ dormancy can be a sensitive period. To maintain your Cyclamen’s health, you should learn how to properly care for it during dormancy.

For starters, you should stop watering the plant once it goes into dormancy. During this period, Cyclamen need dim lights and dry soil.

3- Avoid Direct Sunlight

Sunlight provides the plant with heat and light. That’s not the best formula for Cyclamen’s proper growth.

Relocate your plant to a place with indirect sunlight. That allows you to prevent it from getting into a state of forced dormancy.

4- Control Pests

Controlling pests can be challenging. You need to make sure you understand what chemicals to use in order not to harm the Cyclamen.

Some pests, such as mealy bugs, are easy to remove with alcohol or other home remedies. However, avoid over fertilizing as it might also cause the yellowing of leaves.

5- Fertilize Regularly

You should fertilize Cyclamen regularly to ensure that it gets the nutrients required for growth. The ideal time for fertilizing is during the early fall – with the new growth after dormancy.

In addition, you can use natural compost or other organic material to provide the plant with nutrients. However, if the deficiency is severe, you may need to add supplements for specific nutrients.

Why Are My Cyclamen Flowers Turning Brown?

Apart from the yellowing leaves, some problems may affect the flowers of your Cyclamen. Here are some reasons why you may see the flowers of Cyclamen turning brown:

1- Botrytis Blight

Otherwise known as the gray mold, Botrytis blight is a fungal disease that can inflict serious damage to Cyclamen.

It may cause the flowers to turn papery brown and develop gray mold on their surface. Fortunately, it’s a weak pathogen that attacks only the weak, tender, or dead tissues of the plant.

Here’s how to protect your plant from this disease:

  • Improve air circulation and low humidity by leaving enough space between plants.
  • Remove infested plants to avoid the spread of the problem.
  • Water your plants in the morning.
  • Apply fungicide to get rid of the infestation.

2- Dormancy

Your Cyclamen may feature browned flowers if it’s getting into dormancy. There’s nothing to worry about here, but you can follow certain steps to ensure its reblooming in the early fall, such as:

  • Decrease watering
  • Stop fertilizing
  • Remove dead flowers and foliage
  • Put it in a dark spot

Final Thoughts

Cyclamen is a hardy perennial that blooms in the winter. Unfortunately, you may notice its leaves turning yellow. Don’t worry, for there can be various reasons.

The causes include dormancy, improper watering, nutrient deficiency, and pests. In addition, the flowers may turn brown if infected by Botrytis Blight and if it goes into dormancy.

To prevent these issues, ensure proper watering and fertilization. Keep the plant away from direct heat and sunlight as well.

No matter why your lovely Cyclamen has turned yellow, there’s a way to fix it.

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