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How Big Do Kalanchoe Plants Get? (Plus Tips to Control Their Size)

How Big Do Kalanchoe Plants Get? (Plus Tips to Control Their Size)

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It’s no secret that kalanchoe plants are popular houseplants. They’re succulents that have incredibly long-lasting blooms.

If you need a plant to add some beauty to your living room or office, purchasing some kalanchoe plants will make sense. This will ensure that you get plants that you will have a good time caring for.

Perhaps you’re wondering just how big these plants will get. Do kalanchoe plants grow bigger over the years or do they stay fairly small?

Read on to learn about kalanchoe plants and how big you can expect them to grow. You’ll also learn about the growth rate of these plants.

Kalanchoe Plants Can Get Pretty Big

You might not expect this, but kalanchoe plants can get pretty big. When you buy these plants from the store, they’re often going to be very small.

Many people assume that they will stay small and that they won’t get too much taller. This is wrong because if you care for the kalanchoe plants properly, they will grow tall.

Exactly how large kalanchoe plants will get will depend on the species that you own. There are many different types of kalanchoe plants on the market that you can purchase.

These are tropical or subtropical plants that can grow to be between four and twenty inches long on average. They can also grow just as wide as they are tall.

If you want to have a kalanchoe plant that grows to be rather tall, it’ll be wise to seek out a variety that is known to grow large. This will give you the biggest plant possible.

Kalanchoe Growth Rate

The growth rate of kalanchoe plants will be fairly steady, but it won’t be fast. It’ll take between two and five years for these plants to reach their maximum growth potential.

Most would consider these to be slow-growing plants. If you want them to grow faster, there are certain things that you should do.

Prune the Plants When Necessary

Pruning the plants when necessary will ensure that they will grow strong. When kalanchoe plants have many spent flower stems, those stems will be taking energy from the plant unnecessarily.

Removing spent stems will make it easier for the plant to keep growing. You might also want to pinch back leggy growth to support new growth.

Remember to prune the plants when they need it. So long as you’re doing normal plant maintenance, it’ll help to keep them on track.

Understand that this isn’t going to make the plants grow remarkably fast. It’s just something that can help a little by ensuring that the plant isn’t wasting energy on spent stems.

Fertilize the Plant

Fertilizing the plant will help it to grow as well. This is something that you want to do during the summer months.

During the summer growing season, it’ll be best to fertilize the kalanchoe plants every two or three weeks. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer and be sure not to use more than you need to.

Remember that too much fertilizer can be bad for plants. Using the right amount and diluting it properly will get the best results.

You can use standard houseplant fertilizer to get the job done. A well-balanced 20-20-20 fertilizer will do a good job of giving these plants a nutrient boost.

This should help the kalanchoe plants to grow at a steady pace. You’ll still have to wait years for the plant to reach its maximum growth, but it should grow a bit faster when you fertilize it.

Don’t fertilize this plant at all during the autumn months. You only want to use fertilizer during periods of new growth.

Water the Kalanchoe Properly

Do your best to keep the kalanchoe watered properly so it will continue to grow. It’s imperative to focus on watering the plant often enough without going overboard.

You want to keep the soil moist without getting it sopping wet. Allow the soil to dry out between watering sessions.

This will ensure that you’re not watering the plant more than you should. Too much water can drown the plant and this can potentially kill it.

Even if the water doesn’t kill the plant, it has the potential to stunt its growth. This is why you must water the plant just enough.

To determine whether it’s time to water the plant or not, it’s best to touch the soil with your fingers. When the top two inches of soil have started to dry, it’ll be time to water the plant again.

Always check the plant before watering it. As long as you remember to do this, you’ll do a good job of helping the plant to grow strong.

Ensure That It Gets Ample Sunlight

Of course, sunlight is an important part of helping plants to grow. If the plant isn’t getting enough sunlight, it’ll be hard to keep it healthy.

Bright natural sunlight is best for these plants. You can place them somewhere in your house where they will get plenty of sun.

Some types of kalanchoe plants don’t do well in direct sunlight. Direct sunlight has the potential to scorch the leaves of certain kalanchoe plants.

Other plants will do fine in full sun. You might need to look up specific sunlight information based on the type of kalanchoe plant that you have.

No matter what, it’s important to give the plant plenty of sunshine. To make the plant bloom well, it’s recommended to cover the plant for fourteen hours per day and then give it bright sunlight for the rest of the day.

This encourages greater blooming. Do your best to provide the plant with optimal sunlight conditions.

Put the Plant in a New Pot When Necessary

These plants will outgrow their pots as they continue to get larger. Even if they don’t grow super fast, they’re still going to need to be repotted sometimes.

If you don’t repot the kalanchoe plants, it can stunt the growth of the plants. The plant could become rootbound and then it won’t grow as much.

Generally, it’s recommended to repot kalanchoe plants annually. You can do this during the autumn after the blooming period is over.

You’ll likely need to go one pot size up each time. Just ensure that the plant has enough room to grow.

Don’t use a pot that is overly large because a pot that is too big makes it easy to water the plant too much. Luckily, repotting these plants is not difficult at all.

Can You Control the Size of Kalanchoe?

Keeping these plants under control isn’t that difficult. Some plant owners might prefer it if kalanchoe plants stay contained.

You can do this by regularly pruning the plant. Pruning the plant in specific ways can keep it from becoming overly lanky.

If you don’t prune the plant, it could wind up growing in unusual ways. These plants often become leggy when owners don’t take the time to prune them semi-regularly.

Keep this in mind and try to prune the plants as necessary. This will make it so they can grow in a more contained fashion.

Final Thoughts

Now you know how big kalanchoe plants can get. These plants might grow to be as tall as twenty inches depending on the type that you own.

You can help them to grow faster by fertilizing them, watering them well, and giving them ample sunlight. Do your best to look after the plant and you’ll be happy with the size.

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