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How to Repot Kalanchoe (And When You Need to Do It)

How to Repot Kalanchoe (And When You Need to Do It)

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Kalanchoe plants are very popular houseplants. If you own some of these plants, you know that they’re truly great to keep around.

Not only are they pretty plants but they’re very practical for most people. As the plants continue to grow, you’re likely going to need to put them in new pots.

Eventually, kalanchoe plants will outgrow their pots. If you’ve never repotted these plants before, you might not be sure how to approach things.

Continue reading to learn exactly how to repot kalanchoe plants. This will ensure that you get excellent results when putting these plants in new pots.

Do Kalanchoe Like to Be Rootbound?

Kalanchoe plants don't like to be rootbound

Kalanchoe plants don’t like to be rootbound. When these plants start to outgrow the pots that they’re in, it’s best to put them in a larger pot.

However, it’s notable that these plants don’t grow very fast. Kalanchoe plants will take several years to reach their maximum growth potential.

Since these plants don’t grow very fast, you might not have to repot them too often. However, you can take steps to help the plants grow a bit faster.

Even though you won’t have to repot the plants all the time, it’s still going to be important to do so when they start to become rootbound. Being rootbound is very bad for the plants.

When a plant is rootbound, it’s going to wind up having stunted growth. It can make it very hard for the plant to thrive.

Do I Need to Repot Kalanchoe?

Yes, you absolutely must repot kalanchoe plants from time to time. If you don’t, it’s going to be detrimental to the health of the plant.

You could wind up accidentally killing the plant if you don’t ever put it in a new pot. Some make the mistake of thinking that kalanchoe plants don’t need to be repotted.

This is because these plants take up to five years to reach maximum growth potential. Even if these plants don’t grow fast, they’re still going to grow at a steady pace.

As such, you need to make sure that you’re repotting the plants as necessary. It’d be beneficial to slide the plant out and look to see if it is rootbound sometimes.

When Should You Repot Kalanchoe Plants?

You should repot kalanchoe plants as necessary. If you notice that one of your kalanchoe plants has become rootbound, it’ll be best to repot it as soon as you can.

However, it’s good to know that these plants don’t need to be repotted too often. Generally, you’re going to need to repot kalanchoe plants every two years.

Some plants might grow a little faster than this. Many enthusiasts go ahead and repot their kalanchoe plants every autumn.

Repotting the plants after the growing season is a good choice. It gives your kalanchoe plants a better pot so that they can grow as well as possible when the next growing season comes around.

Repot Kalanchoe Plants Immediately After Buying Them

Re potting a Kalanchoe plant

It’s wise to repot the kalanchoe plants immediately after you buy them. Commonly, these plants will be put in pots that are a bit too small.

You might find that the plants are a bit rootbound when you buy them. Transplanting them into new pots will fix this issue.

It isn’t going to take long to do this. Putting the kalanchoe plants in a new pot will ensure that they can thrive and do well in your home.

You should also know that the plants that you buy from stores don’t come in good pots. They typically come in little black pots that are small and absorb a lot of heat.

These pots can be quite damaging to the kalanchoe plants. They won’t allow the plants to grow properly and they might cause damage to the plants due to excessive heat.

Instead of using these pots, it’s best to buy a terracotta pot. These pots provide better drainage and they’re much safer for the plants overall.

Simply buy a pot that is the next size up from the pot that the plant came in. This should do perfectly fine and your plants will do well after you’ve done this.

Repot When the Kalanchoe Plants Seem Unhealthy

You will know when to repot your Kalanchoe when plant looks like it is withering

Have your kalanchoe plants started to look unhealthy as of late? Perhaps they don’t look the same as they usually do.

You might notice that the leaves aren’t as green and plump as they should be. There could be several problems that will cause the plant to look unhealthy.

Sometimes these plants will have to deal with pests. Pests such as mealybugs, spider mites, and scale will bother kalanchoe plants.

Cleaning the plant off and transferring it to a new pot can be a good way to deal with this. If you want to protect the plant from pests, it’s best to do it safely.

Instead of using insecticides on the plants, it’s better to use something such as neem oil. Neem oil is natural and won’t harm any of your plants.

It simply keeps pests at bay. A combination of treating the plant with neem oil and repotting the plant will make a difference.

You might also want to trim the plant a bit. If any of the roots are damaged, trimming them before transplanting the plant into a new container is a good idea.

What Does It Mean When the Potting Mix Dries Rapidly?

If you’re seeing the potting mix dry rapidly, it means that something is wrong. Generally, this should be taken as a sign that your plants need a new pot.

Your plant likely needs better soil that will retain moisture. You want to have soil that drains well, but it does need to retain moisture somewhat.

The best recommendation is to use a potting mix that is one part soil and one part perlite. This will provide good drainage while still allowing the soil to retain moisture a bit.

Using the right soil or potting mix is just as important as putting the plant in an appropriate pot. Remember this to get the best results.

How Should You Repot Kalanchoe Plants?

Repotting kalanchoe plants isn’t tough, but it’s still best to do things the right way. If you want to get the right results, you need to start by digging the soil out around the root zone of your plant.

Do this with a handheld gardening shovel while being careful not to damage the plant. Use one hand to tip the pot over slightly and then gently slide the plant out of the pot while grabbing it with your other hand.

The most important part of this process is to avoid damaging the roots. When digging out the soil, you don’t want to accidentally puncture the roots with your shovel.

If you notice that any of the roots are black or if they’re soft, it’ll be best to remove them. It’s fine to have a little bit of soil on the roots, but you can remove excess soil by giving the plant a gentle shake.

So long as you don’t go overboard with the shaking it won’t harm the plant. If a little soil stays stuck to the root zone, don’t bother to try to clean it off.

At this point, you should fill the new pot with a succulent growth medium. You could make your potting mix using one part soil and one part perlite.

The pot should be either a terracotta pot or a clay pot. You want it to be two inches larger than the last pot that the kalanchoe plant was in.

You should put a few pebbles in the bottom of the pot before adding the soil. This can help with drainage.

Gently put the plant in the center of the soil. Pack the soil around the plant without being too rough so that it will be planted properly.

Now you need to water the plant well until the soil is moist. Put your kalanchoe plant near a sunny window where it will get plenty of sun.

You want these plants to get five or six hours of sunlight each day. So long as you pick a good spot, these plants will do well under your care.

Are Kalanchoe Plants Dangerous for Pets?

Do you have pet cats or dogs in your home? If you do, it’ll be best to keep the kalanchoe plants out of reach.

Kalanchoe plants aren’t as dangerous for pets as some plants. However, they can cause pets to experience upset stomachs if they eat parts of the plant.

So it’ll cause gastric issues if the pets happen to eat the plants. Sometimes dogs and cats will make bad choices and they’ll eat plants that they shouldn’t.

Preventing this from happening is easy when you keep the plants out of reach. Put them in a room where the pets won’t be able to get to them.

Otherwise, you can try keeping them on a shelf or on a table that is too high for the pets to reach. Simply think of a good safe spot for the plant.

Are Kalanchoe Plants Perennials?

Yes, technically kalanchoe plants are perennials because they typically live more than two years. These plants can come back when you take care of them the right way and keep them in a proper environment.

However, these plants are sold as annuals in some areas. When they’re sold as annuals, they’re meant to be disposed of after they’ve flowered and started to fade.

This is because kalanchoe plants can only be kept outdoors in warm climates. These plants generally thrive in USDA zones 10 through 12.

People who live in parts of the world where the winters get cold won’t be able to plant these in the ground. These plants are extremely bothered by cold temperatures.

They can’t tolerate temperatures that dip below 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Frost has the potential to kill these plants.

It makes sense that they would be used as annuals in some areas. You wouldn’t worry about the plants dying when the weather starts to get too cold since you’d just enjoy them during the summer when they bloom.

So these plants are perennials, but you can use them as annuals if you want. They’re still more commonly utilized as houseplants, but this might be interesting to keep in mind as an option.

Final Thoughts

Repotting kalanchoe plants is certainly necessary when you want to keep the plants healthy. If you don’t repot these plants, they’re going to have significant issues.

Plants will become rootbound as they continue to grow. Even if these plants grow a bit slow, they’re still going to grow enough to need new pots from time to time.

Some plants might not need new pots until they have grown for two years. Others will be better off if you put them in new pots once per year.

It’s recommended to do this after the growing season. You can prune the plant and then put it in a fresh pot.

Terracotta pots are the best ones to use for these plants. Clay pots will also be acceptable.

To get the best experience with these plants, you should buy new pots for them right away. They come in plastic pots that are black.

These pots have issues with absorbing too much heat and can damage the plant. Thus, it’s a lot better to put the plant in a new pot for the sake of protecting it.

Remember to give the kalanchoe plants enough sunlight. They need bright indirect sunlight to grow strong.

You want to water these plants well without watering them too much. Ensure that you water the plants when the top two inches of the soil have dried out.

These plants are going to be nice in your home if you take good care of them. They can add a splash of color to your living room.

Many people love them simply because of how aesthetically pleasing they are. Others enjoy them because they’re fairly easy to care for.

Either way, they’re great plants that you’ll be proud to have in your home. Just remember to repot them when it’s time so they can stay healthy.

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