The curly spider plant has become one of the most popular choices for people who like to buy houseplants. The spider plant is one of the most popular species of plants in the world.
These plants tend to produce a rosette of arched, thin foliage that is usually different in color. The most common variety of the houseplant usually produces leaves that are long and thin. There is a green stripe running in the center, with a yellow stripe on each end.
Unlike most plants, the spider plant doesn’t grow long and tall. Instead, it’s mostly kept in hanging pots, so it tends to grow downward. Needless to say, these plants look really good, and they can really improve the aesthetic appearance of any room they are kept in.
Most people like to add a variety of different spider plants to their house, ranging from the curly ones to the different colored ones. There are almost 200 varieties of the spider plant, so let’s talk about a few of these first:
The Vittatum – this variety has a broad white stripe running through the center of the leaves. This is the plant that most people are able to recognize quite easily.
The plant has longer leaves that tend to curl in the middle. The edges are usually a medium shade of green, and most people use this plant in hanging baskets. It’s ideal for decorative purposes.
The Variegatum – this is the direct opposite of the Vittatum. It’s a bit more compact, and instead of a white stripe running in the center, it has a green stripe instead, with white on either side of the stripe on each of the leaves. The leaves are also slightly dark green, and they don’t grow all that long either.
The Bonnie – this is the one that we shall be focusing on in this article. The Bonnie variant has grown quite popular within the past few years. It has a color pattern that is virtually similar to the Vittatum, but the leaves tend to curl much more than its counterpart.
They also tend to bend inward or outward, which is why the plant is known as the curly spider plant as well. Ideal for placement in small areas like a bathroom, the curly spider plant does require a bit more care when compared with the ordinary variant.
However, you might notice that after a little while, your plant might begin to lose some of its curls. The curly spider plant is quite distinctive and the curls are easy to spot.
If you notice a difference in the curls or they begin to straighten out, you might want to consider taking some action regarding this.
There are a number of reasons why the curly spider plant begins to lose its curls. In the following paragraphs, we will talk about each of these and focus on fixing the problem.
Lighting Conditions
If your houseplant doesn’t get an adequate amount of sunlight, there is a risk that the plant might not grow all that well.
Thankfully, the curly spider plant doesn’t require a whole lot of light inside the house. The plant remains perfectly happy when it’s grown in a hanging basket or a pot, and they will do just as well even when they are exposed to indirect lighting.
That is one of the main reasons why so many people keep these spider plants in their bedrooms. If you like to keep the curtains drawn and don’t prefer the bright sunlight inside your house, this is an excellent idea.
If there is a sunny window in the house that provides adequate lighting for the plants, you need to make sure that you keep the spider plant away from the direct sunlight.
Don’t leave the plant directly in the way of sunlight, as it’s going to get quite worse and make matters quite difficult for you. Keep in mind that the curly spider plant tends to last just as well under fluorescent light, so if you want to keep it in a room that doesn’t get sunlight at all, you might want to add a fluorescent bulb in that room as well.
Keep in mind that the type of light you give to the plant is going to have an impact on its appearance as well. All types of light are suitable for the plant and are going to keep the plant healthy.
The more sun the plant gets, the better variegation there will be, and the curls will be tighter too. The color will also turn a darker shade of green.
On top of that, you should know that the lighting also directly impacts the rate of blooming and the reproduction of the plant. If you keep the plant in a brighter area, it’s going to bloom in a better way, and it’s also going to produce more flowers. The ones kept in dimmer conditions might not do the same.
However, you need to understand that an excessive amount of sunlight might not be viable for your plant. The leaves will start to burn up, and you will notice them turning brown around the edges.
Make sure to keep the plant away from the midday sunlight to ensure its health.
Temperature Conditions
The plant is capable of tolerating a host of different temperature conditions, but you need to make sure that the temperature conditions remain consistent. If there are sudden changes in the levels of heat or the cold, your plant is probably going to be affected.
More importantly, you need to try your best and avoid simultaneous contrasts in temperature. For example, you need to make sure that your curly spider plant isn’t kept in a place where it’s likely to receive a cold blast of air, or if a hot draft continues to run through that area.
Ideally, the best way to keep the plants curly and to avoid any other issues is to keep the temperatures as consistent as possible, usually around the 70°F mark. Plants that are kept around the 65°F mark are going to have a nice life, but you can’t expect them to grow very well. Even their reproduction process will be slowed down.
If the temperature tends to drop below the 35°F mark from time to time, your plant will manage to pull through, but the low temperatures aren’t recommended at all, and your plant is likely to suffer. It’s probably going to lose its curls within a short while, and you will notice discoloration as well.
Despite being a hardy trooper, the spider plant isn’t able to survive freezing temperatures. Occasional heat is fine, but if the temperatures tend to dip toward freezing, you need to keep it properly heated.
Make sure the temperature doesn’t remain above 90°F consistently.
What Soil Is Best for Your Plant?
You might not realize it at first, but the soil in which you keep your curly spider plant can also have an impact on the plant’s curls as well.
Just like most other indoor house plants, you need to pot your plant in soil with adequate amounts of aeration. Make sure the soil has proper drainage.
This is going to ensure quality plant growth. The curly spider plant is generally quite resilient and doesn’t require a lot of effort, so you just need to make sure these two requirements are met.
These plants are able to tolerate and adapt to a wide variety of textures of different soil. Some of the most common options available to you include peat, coco coir, pine bark, vermiculite, and perlite.
From time to time, you should also consider adding dolomite or limestone to your plants. This will raise the pH level of the plants. The plant usually prefers a relatively neutral pH level, ranging from 6 to 6.5 at most.
For people who have a considerable amount of experience in gardening, you might want to consider mixing the spider plant soil on your own.
Also, you can easily use any good, lightweight potting container for the mix.
Watering the Plants
The curly spider plant doesn’t require a whole lot of water. Many people tend to overcompensate for bringing the plant indoors by adding lots of water. That’s a bad idea, and it’s going to cause damage to your plant, especially if you are not using soil with good drainage.
You just need to make sure that the soil remains slightly moist during the warmer months. This is even more important when the plant is growing and reproducing (such as during the winter months).
Before you add water to the plant, you should always check the soil with your finger. It will give you a better idea about how the plant is doing and whether it requires water or not.
These are just a few things you should know about keeping your spider plant curly. As long as you take care of it, your curly spider plant will continue to grow amazing curly leaves!

Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.