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How to Make Lucky Bamboo Stalk Thicker

How to Make Lucky Bamboo Stalk Thicker

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There are many people who like taking care of lucky bamboo plants and you might be one of them. These plants are aesthetically pleasing and many feel that they bring a bit of luck to whoever keeps them.

Whether you believe in luck or not, it’s easy to see that these plants are appealing.

However, many lucky bamboo plant owners have noted that they have issues with the stalks of the plants.

Sometimes the lucky bamboo stalk isn’t thick enough to support itself and this can be problematic, to say the least. If you want your plant to look good and you want it to thrive, then you need to figure out how to make your lucky bamboo stalk thicker.

How to Make Lucky Bamboo Stalk Thicker

Read on to look at several methods for fixing this issue with lucky bamboo stalks.

You should be able to make things better if you utilize these methods and you won’t have to worry any longer. You’ll be able to enjoy your lucky bamboo plant and everything will be just fine.

Topping Your Lucky Bamboo Stalk

If a stalk isn’t able to support itself, then you’re going to have to go ahead and top it. This means cutting out the top portion of the stalk and creating a new stalk.

It isn’t uncommon to have to do this when a lucky bamboo stalk gets too long and it isn’t bad to do this as it gives you the opportunity to create more stalks, which is nice.

To do this, you’re going to want to get yourself a sharp knife, some rooting hormone, as well as containers for the new stalks.

What you need to do is go ahead and cut the bamboo stalk at an appropriate level. The bamboo stalk should be able to support itself once you have topped it and cut off enough of the excess weight.

Generally, you’re going to want to cut the lucky bamboo stalk at about an inch above the node.

The term “node” refers to the raised ring on your lucky bamboo stalk. Once you’ve found it, you can go ahead and cut at the appropriate height to get things going.

You need to dip the cut end in rooting hormone and then let it dry.

The part that is attached to the roots right now should form new leaves and the top part will wind up being the new lucky bamboo stalk.

Once your rooting hormone has dried, you’re going to want to place it in your container and fill it with water.

The top will start developing roots over the next couple of weeks. You should mist the new lucky bamboo stalk a couple of days after you have topped it.

Try to mist it a few times a day until it winds up forming leaves.

Also read: How Big Does Lucky Bamboo Get? (And How To Achieve Optimal Growth).

Thickening Your Existing Stalks

Green lucky bamboo plant

Thickening your existing stalks is going to involve a few different methods. All of them really just involve taking care of your lucky bamboo plant as well as you can.

You want to ensure that you water your lucky bamboo plant very often and it’s also positive to make use of mulch.

Both watering the lucky bamboo plant and using mulch effectively will give it more of a chance to grow strong.

You should notice your lucky bamboo stalk getting thicker over time if you’re caring for it well. If it’s too thin, then you might not be watering it enough or you might need to consider using some type of mulch.

Another option is to go ahead and utilize lawn fertilizer to help thicken your bamboo.

Lawn fertilizer can potentially help your bamboo stalk to grow thicker over time and you should consider using this in conjunction with good watering practices.

If you do things well, then you should be able to get a very thick lucky bamboo stalk over time.

Consider the environment where you’re trying to raise your lucky bamboo plants, too.

You should know that bamboo plants like moist environments and that dry environments can be counterproductive.

If you’re raising bamboo stalks indoors, then you might need to consider increasing the humidity in your home to help your bamboo plants out.

Watch Out for Pests

It’s also worth noting that you should watch out for pests since they can harm your bamboo.

One potential reason why your bamboo might not be strong and thick is that it could be dealing with bamboo mites. You might notice heavy pale botching on your bamboo if this is occurring and you’ll want to take steps to deal with the pests.

Talk with local pest experts to get the right pesticide to deal with issues like this. You should be able to handle something such as bamboo mites without it being too big of an issue so long as you pay attention and get the right stuff.

This isn’t the most typical reason why bamboo isn’t getting as thick as it should, but it is one that you will want to be aware of.

Enjoy Your Lucky Bamboo Plants

Braided Lucky Bamboo Stalks

Lucky bamboo plants are something that people have been enjoying for a long time.

There are many Chinese traditions that have been formed around the lucky bamboo plants.

Whether you find this to be a neat reason to raise the plants or if you just find them to be aesthetically pleasing, it makes sense to want to take care of the plants well.

The above information should help to keep you informed of what you need to be doing.

You now know how to stop bamboo stalks that have grown too tall to support themselves. You even know how to go about promoting better bamboo thickness through properly caring for your bamboo plants.

If you utilize the above advice, then you’re going to be able to get things taken care of right. Just keep the proper care advice in mind while you’re raising your bamboo plants.

You won’t have to worry about your bamboo plants being too thin for much longer now that you’re paying attention and you know what to look out for.

Curious about the difference between true bamboo and lucky bamboo? Find out the differences in this article.

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