If you’re a houseplant enthusiast, chances are you’ve heard of Monstera. The climbing Swiss cheese plants are native to tropical regions in Central America and are popular for their attractive appearance as well as their low maintenance.
For that reason, you might search for Monstera-like plants to grow. Not only will you expand your houseplant collection, but you also won’t expend much effort maintaining those plants.
In this article, we’ll provide seven Monstera-like plants, discussing everything from their shape to care conditions. So, stick around!
What Plants Are Similar to Monsteras?
Here are seven Monstera-like plants to spice up your houseplant collection:
1 – Philodendrons
It goes without saying that Philodendrons are a must-have indoor plant for beginners.
The best part is that those plants grow in similar conditions to Monstera since they belong to the Araceae family.
The former plant originated in tropical Asia. However, you can find Philodendrons in most tropical regions, particularly in Central and South America.
Like Monstera, the famous indoor plant has large, glossy green leaves, but they may be red, coppery, or slightly purplish.
As for the shape, Philodendrons’ foliage varies depending on the species. They can be heart-shaped, oval, or even palm-like.
Generally, Philodendrons are classified into two types: climbing and non-climbing plants. Vining varieties resemble Monsteras, and they can grow to reach 20 feet long.
Non-climbing Philodendrons, on the other hand, grow upright and are large and bushy.
Growing these popular indoor plants is straightforward. Simply provide well-drained soil that’s rich in organic matter and partial sunlight.
Additionally, avoid overwatering and exposing them to temperatures below 55ºF. One trick to knowing when to water Philodendrons is to feed them whenever the soil’s top inch is dry.
2 – Pothos
Pothos, commonly known as devil’s ivy, is another species that belongs to the family Araceae.
The former are trailing plants that can grow to impressive heights, reaching between 20 and 40 feet long. That makes them ideal for hanging baskets, like Monsteras.
What makes devil’s ivy visually appealing are its glossy, heart-shaped leaves. However, that’s not the only factor that makes them fascinating.
Devil’s ivy often exhibits different colors, ranging from white and cream to yellow.
As you might have guessed, pothos are tropical plants that grow in similar environmental conditions to Monsteras. Plus, they’re easy to maintain!
You can plant them throughout the year and expect them to grow quickly. They usually gain a height of between 12 and 18 inches in a month.
Even when you forget to water them occasionally, pothos will generally grow well. All you need to do is plant them in loamy, well-draining soil.
Additionally, place your pothos in an area with bright, indirect sunlight. Don’t forget to keep them in high humidity with a temperature range between 65ºF and 75ºF.
3 – Rhaphidophora
Belonging to the same subfamily, Monsteroideae, Rhaphidophora, and Monsteras are close cousins. Some varieties, such as Rhaphidophora tetrasperma, resemble Monsteras to a significant extent that they’re dubbed “mini Monstera.”
Rhaphidophora genus has around 100 species, all boasting beautiful foliage with various shapes.
You can find those plants having oval, oblong, and elliptic shapes. They typically grow fenestrations as they mature. The fenestration can be so deep that the foliage resembles that of palm trees.
Aside from the shape, rhaphidophora leaves follow a pinnate arrangement. The latter consists of multiple leaflets that grow along the same axis, giving it a feather-like structure.
What’s more, Monstera’s close cousins are also vining plants. Among the climbing species that make for popular indoor plants is Rhaphidophora decursiva, commonly known as “dragon tail.”
Similar to Monsteras, this vining rhaphidophora grows to reach 10 feet indoors. They also prefer indirect, bright sunlight and well-draining soil that’s rich in organic matter.
Dragon tail plants aren’t cold-hardy and grow best in hardiness zones 9 to 11. So, keep them away from temperatures lower than 55ºF.
4 – Lady Palm
As the name implies, the lady palm, or Raphis excelsa, is a palm plant. The genus is small, containing about ten species.
Those evergreen plants grow in dense clumps instead of long vines. The evergreen plants have upright green stems that reach a height of 6 feet.
The stem holds glossy, green fronds, each usually consisting of five to ten leaves. Raphis excelsa has a slow growth rate, gaining only a foot or less yearly.
Although the palm plants don’t look like Monsteras, they still have some similarities to the Swiss cheese plants. Raphis excelsa is a low-maintenance plant that requires the same environmental conditions as Monsteras.
Native to Southeast Asia, lady palm plants experience tropical climates. They grow well in partial shade but can tolerate deep shade.
As for the soil, they prefer loamy soil that drains well. Lady palm plants love moisture; however, they can withstand drought.
5 – Alocasia
Alocasia is another member of the Araceae family on this list. Like most plants in that family, Alocasia is native to tropical regions in Asia and eastern Australia.
However, many people cultivate those plants as indoor ornamentals around the world.
The tropical genus has around 80 to 90 species. One of the popular varieties known for its stunning foliage is Alocasia macrorrhizos.
The former is also known as the giant taro or elephant’s ear. Giant taros can grow up to 16 feet in height and produce 4-foot-long leaves! That said, generally, Alocasia plants reach 2-9 feet.
Elephant ears rapidly grow, producing leaves every week. The foliage shape ranges from narrow arrowheads to broad heart-shaped leaves.
As for the arrangement, the giant taro forms a rosette pattern along the stem. What makes Alocasia aesthetically pleasing are the colorful leaf veins, which add a delightful contrast to the green foliage.
Alocasia’s light requirements vary according to the species. However, unlike most plants on this list, elephant ears prefer full sun. Still, they can survive in partial shade.
What’s more, those plants love moisture, so make sure to water them well throughout the year. Avoid keeping them in rooms with temperatures below 60ºF as this can harm Alocasia plants.
6 – Dieffenbachia
Like Monstera, Dieffenbachia plants, or dumb canes, are common houseplants that are easy to grow. Plus, they also belong to the family Araceae.
The genus contains around 135 species, mostly native to Central and South America. In nature, Dieffenbachia can grow up to 10 feet in height and produce 20-inch-long leaves.
However, that impressive size isn’t typical in indoor conditions. Those plants usually reach a height of 3 to 5 feet indoors.
Whether you grow them in your house or garden, dumb canes will sprout and produce attractive foliage. They usually grow pointed, ovate leaves that vary in color.
Topping the Dieffenbachia plants’ green leaves are white and cream spots. That makes them excellent for indoor decorations.
As you might have guessed, those plants prefer tropical conditions. So, provide them with partial shade, regular watering, and well-aerated soil.
Avoid exposing the plants to direct light or drought, as they don’t tolerate those conditions well.
7 – Zamioculcas
Another easy-to-grow tropical indoor plant is Zamioculcas. It also belongs to the same family as Monsteras.
Interestingly, the genus contains only one variety, which is Zamioculcas zamiifolia. Unlike most plants on this list, Zamioculcas, also known as the ZZ plant or Zanzibar gem, is native to Africa.
Typically, ZZ plants serve as excellent ornamentals thanks to their glossy, attractive foliage. The leaves have an ovate to elliptical shape and follow an alternate arrangement.
Unlike Monsteras, Zanzibar gems aren’t climbing plants, and they usually reach a short height of 2 to 4 feet.
Those African plants prefer similar growth conditions as Monsteras. They like partial shade and well-draining, sandy soil rich in organic matter.
ZZ plants have roots that store water well. For that reason, you should only water the plants when the soil is dry to prevent over-watering issues.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, you can grow several Monstera-like plants in your house. Among those plants are Philodendrons, pothos, Rhaphidophoras, lady palms, Alocasia, Dieffenbachia, and Zamioculcas.
These plants have visually appealing features, ranging from glossy leaves to fenestration patterns that resemble Monsteras. They also grow in similar environmental conditions to Monsteras and are easy to maintain.
Whether you prefer vining plants or evergreen palms, the above list will help you find a Monstera-like plant that fits your style. That way, you can expand your houseplant collection with attractive, easy-to-maintain plants!

Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.