When you are beginning to design and plan out your garden, you will likely start out with all sorts of ideas for the most vibrant and eye-catching garden design. You might have plans for stone pathways and fountains, or you may want to include some of the more uncommon flowers because they are not what you would normally find in someone’s backyard.
However, more often than not, garden plans begin with a desire for one specific plant, but then fizzle out as people struggle with other plants that would not only look good with the other plant, but would also grow well together.
As unfortunate as it may be, it is a sad truth that just because some plants look gorgeous together doesn’t mean that they can be planted together. Some types of plants do not mix very well, often because of competitive root systems that can tangle up with each other, causing widespread damage to both plants.
Because of all of this, it becomes all the more important for you to determine what kind of plants you should choose for your garden.
A good example of having an idea for a flower, or something that would be bold and vivid in the yard, but not knowing what else to plant with it would be with bromeliads. These flowers are usually native to tropical climates, so you can expect it to have stunningly vivid colors that will brighten up any backyard garden.

This unique appearance is going to make quite the challenge for being able to match the blossom design to the flower.
These flowers usually do not require too much care, since as long as they are in the right temperature zone, they will only need to have the occasional watering session and then you won’t have to worry about it anymore.
With bromeliads, you will be able to find the perfect plant to add to your garden to create something brand new and something gorgeous that will leave you with a smile on your face for years to come as you watch the flowers bloom again and again.
Consider Other Bromeliads

There are some cases, especially for potted plants and smaller containers of plants, where using a different variant of bromeliad will work out well. The four forms of this involve the type of flower each bromeliad is technically classified as.
For instance, there are the Guzmanias, and then there are the Vriesea bromeliads. Both of these plants have very different appearances, meaning that while you technically have a pot of two bromeliads, they will look as if you have two different flowers in a pot.
Having this combination of plants in a potted plant can make for the perfect house decoration, or if you choose to plant them outside, you can decorate your yard without having to worry about trying to manage different amounts of light, water, and fertilizer.
Instead, you can have an incredibly varied lawn appearance without having to expand too much farther than what you are used to.
Consider Large Plants
Another way that you can make the bromeliads in your yard stand out from the rest of the houses on the block is to plant them against a backdrop of large and relatively dull plants.
While some of these additional plants may not look the best on their own, their simple appearance and similar colors will allow the bright colors of your bromeliads to pop out even more, adding that splash of color to your lawn.
Another combination of plants that you may want to try to include some variegated plants against the bromeliads. These are commonly used when the bromeliads that you are planting are darker in color.
In some cases, you may even want to combine both the addition of broad green plants and some variegated plants to really make everything stand out and create the tropical paradise that you have always wanted.
Some of the large plants you will want to consider fall under the name of Dracaenas, Alocasia, Caladium, Palm trees, Cycads, and so on. These plants also all complement the bromeliad’s requirements of light, water, substrate, and soil, which means that you will not have to worry all that much about struggling to make your garden work.
With these types of plants, you can create an even more varied yard while still staying in your gardening comfort zone.
Everyone deserves to feel comfortable when planting their own garden.
Consider the Color Palette

When it comes to choosing the right color for a garden combination, there are so many different aspects to consider. If you have a fence or any other barrier around your yard, you will have to consider this with the color combination.
You will also have to consider just about any other color that falls within the boundaries of your garden, even if it isn’t the bromeliad. While this may seem like a lot of work to do at first, it will be well worth it when you can step back and look at a garden that is pleasing on the eyes.
Typically, because bromeliads are tropical plants, you are going to be dealing with everything from yellow to red. Reds should be used sparingly, as they will catch the attention of anyone who looks at your garden and it can wear out the eyes if everything is the same shade of red.
For oranges, you will want to try and aim for a dark green background of plants to really make the orange of the blossom stand out. Yellow is another color, much like red, that is meant for accents and should not be the main color of your backyard.
While it might seem to be a lot of work at first to try and match up the main colors of your yard with the rest of the plants that you may want to consider planting, it will make your life easier when you already know what your soil climate zone is, when you know what kind of sun and water you will be getting, and when you know what color flowers you should be looking for.
This kind of list will cut away much of the competition that wouldn’t apply to you, making it easier than ever for you to choose some flowers that match with the ones that you want to make the focus of the garden.

Growing up with a mom who filled her home (inside and out) with all sorts of plants, Lisa got her start in gardening at a young age. Living now on her own with a home and yard full of plants (including an indoor greenhouse), she shares all the gardening tips she’s gained over the years.